Law Offices of Anthony Carbone, P.C.

Watch out for a DUI after the barbeque

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14011027_sThe summertime is a great time to get out and enjoy the warm weather, especially after such a terrible winter as we had. It’s also a time of outdoor activities such as barbeques, block parties, and good times at the beach. And with good times, a beer or three might be consumed. So not only will you find more people outdoors enjoying the day, but you may also see an increase in DUI/DWI enforcement.

As we have mentioned before, the DUI laws here in New Jersey are extremely strict. Just a first offense alone carries a punishment of up to 30 days in jail. Not a good way to start off your summer. And if you don’t have a proper attorney standing at your side, you can definitely expect a harsh sentence in your future. So let’s say you are coming home from a day at the Jersey shore. You’ve had a couple but you feel safe enough to drive home. However, the police see it differently and arrest you for drunken driving. What do you do now?

You call The Law Offices of Anthony Carbone. Our experienced DUI defense attorney has more than 25 years fighting the system. He knows how to reduce your punishment and get you back on your feet.

If you do get pulled over, here’s a couple of tips to keep in mind:

Be aware that refusing to do any of these actions will get you arrested. And when that happens, contact us right away. And the best way to avoid a DUI/DWI is not to drink and drive in the first place. So when you do go to your neighbor’s backyard party, remember to take along a designated driver. Or just don’t drink.

For more information on DUIs and drug charges in New Jersey, click here.

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The information provided on this website about personal injury, family, and divorce law is not meant to be taken as legal advice. At the Law Offices of Anthony Carbone, based in Jersey City, we assist clients throughout Hudson County, New Jersey, including the communities of Union City, North Bergen, West New York, Newark, Jersey City, Essex County, Bayonne, Hoboken, Weehawken, Guttenberg, Secaucus, Greenville, Elizabeth and Marion. If you are in need of a personal injury or family lawyer or attorney, please contact us today.