Work-Related Head Injuries
Posted July 11th, 2021 by Anthony Carbone, PC.
Categories: Workers Compensation.

Head injuries are one of the most severe forms of injuries an individual can sustain, and they are sadly prevalent in the workplace. A head injury is an apparent danger in any job environment that uses heavy equipment or power machines or has individuals operating at a height.
They can, however, occur in any place, including a seemingly secure office. If an employer fails to properly assess occupational hazards and follow a strict health and safety policy, the likelihood of such accidents increases. A knowledgeable Union City Personal Injury Attorney can help you file a claim against such negligent employers.
How Do Most Work-Related Head Injuries Happen?
- Being beneath dropping objects: Whenever an object falls or is released from above, it has the potential to strike an employee in the head, resulting in injury. While working at a height, a worker might hit a shelf and push an item over. At the same time, a coworker may throw an object by mistake.
- Falling, tripping, or slipping on the surface or from higher ground: Things that may jeopardize a worker’s safety include falling off a ladder or roof or stairs. On their way down, an employee can hit their head, causing injury. Fall-related traumatic brain injuries account for 35% of all traumatic brain injuries in the US.
- Walking into a cabinet or a wall: Although it does not appear to be a severe injury, walking into objects can result in severe head injuries. For instance, if an employee is not paying enough attention or workspace lighting is insufficient, a worker may knock his or her head against a floor, causing a concussion and loss of brain function, among other injuries.
What To Do If A Worker Sustains A Head Injury?
1) First and foremost, be ready– If one of the workers has a head injury at work, have a plan in place.
2) React as soon as possible– Refer an individual for advanced injury care if they sustain a significant work-related head injury. Under the Workers Compensation division, employers should refer their workers to a medical professional that focuses on diagnosing and treating various head injuries.
3) Fill out a Workplace Injury Report– Keep a detailed record of the event, including resources, photographs, witness statements.
4) Have patience– Once a certified healthcare professional has approved a worker to resume work, they might need to make specific accommodations to the injuries sustained. These include avoiding certain activities or working fewer hours.
Head Injuries And Workers Compensation
If you have a head injury, seek medical care right away. Make it clear to the practitioner that your injury occurred at the workplace. Workers’ compensation payments are available to employees who experience a head injury only on the workplace premises. Medical care and nearly two-thirds of your lost earnings are included in these benefits.
If you have a minor head injury, you should have no difficulty managing your workers’ compensation claim individually with your employer’s insurance provider. Contrary, severe head injuries have the potential to cause perpetual brain damage and disability. Such work-related head injuries that leave you unable to work cost a lot of money.
For help with filing a workers compensation claim against your boss or the responsible insurance provider, contact the law offices of Anthony Carbone. Get started by scheduling a free, no-obligation initial consultation today.