Nursing Home Abuse Questions

elder-abuse-lawyer-newark-jersey-city-attorney | worriedHow prevalent is nursing home abuse and neglect?

Statistics only tell part of the story – and they show that many nursing home residents are victims of some form of abuse. The other part of the story is that only a small number of nursing home abuse cases are ever reported. As a result of known underreporting, nursing home abuse and neglect is probably a much bigger problem than we know about.

If so many nursing home residents are abused, why are so few cases reported?

Cognitive issues, such as dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, are widespread health issues in nursing homes. This can keep the victim from fully understanding what has happened to them, or make communicating this abuse difficult.

Other victims of nursing home abuse, who may be able to clearly communicate what is going on, may feel too embarrassed or too scared to say anything to anyone. For these reasons, it is crucial that the families and friends of nursing home residents visit regularly and are aware of any signs of nursing home abuse and neglect.

What if I suspect nursing home abuse, but I don’t have any evidence?

You should also move your family member to another nursing home as soon as possible, if you suspect there is abuse going on. Have a doctor examine your loved one. This examination could include:

  • x-rays
  • MRIs
  • blood work
  • other necessary tests

Tell the doctor you are concerned about potential nursing home abuse. You should also contact an experienced nursing home abuse attorney, like Anthony Carbone to find out about filing a claim.

What should I do if a loved one has been a victim of nursing home abuse?

If you suspect a family member or loved one has been the victim of nursing home abuse, it is your right to seek legal counsel. By contacting Anthony Carbone, you are assured an attorney who knows what questions to ask and how to gather evidence for your case.

If you have any other questions about nursing home abuse and neglect, or suspect your loved one may be a victim, please contact the Law Offices of Anthony Carbone, P.C. for an initial consultation today. Attorney Carbone serves the Jersey City and Newark, New Jersey areas.


Contact us today at 201-733-2230

Have questions about nursing home abuse?

We can help! With a proven track record, a strong work ethic, and extensive knowledge of the law, you cannot go wrong when you choose The Law Offices of Anthony Carbone.

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