When You Suspect Nursing Home Abuse In New Jersey

Posted June 5th, 2017 by .

Categories: Personal Injury.

nursing home abuse law offices of anthony carbone | wheelchairNo doubt you already have some uneasy feelings. It’s seldom an easy decision to find placement for a loved one in a nursing home.

All things considered, you did plenty of investigation before choosing a facility. However, something just doesn’t seem right. Is it possible that your loved one’s injuries are related to nursing home abuse?

At the onset, you might even feel that your inclinations are a bit paranoid. Perhaps you’ve even voiced your concerns to the nursing facility’s administrative offices. However, there is a possibility that you are gut reactions are good ones. If it’s not abuse, it could certainly be neglect.

Cameras and Nursing Home Abuse

Earlier this year, we provided you with information concerning New Jersey’s Safe Cam program. At the time, the State was loaning out micro-surveillance cameras to families who suspected bad behavior from home health workers. The cameras can be easily concealed and provide telling details concerning potential abuse or neglect.

However, that’s not to say that misconduct only occurs in private care. In a recent news release, the New Jersey Attorney General and Division of Consumer Affairs announced plans to expand the Safe Cam program. The small cameras are now available for loan for care centers of all types. This includes not just nursing homes, but also assisted living facilities and residences for the developmentally disabled.

Bottom line: There’s the chance that the camera could alleviate your worst fears. Meanwhile, it may be your opportunity to nip the problem in the bud and protect your loved one from further harm.

Not Just Nursing Home Abuse

Too often, there is just an emphasis on nursing home abuse as it applies to the elderly. However, that’s not always the case. Unfortunately, research demonstrates that those with special needs are often abused or neglected while in residential care. Here are some examples:

  • The caretaker allowed the non-communicative resident to sit in urine and/or feces
  • Unexplained pregnancy, suggesting sexual abuse
  • Evidence of exploitation, demeaning or insulting behavior
  • Malnutrition
  • Mysterious bruises or broken bones
  • Loved one expresses fear when around certain care providers

Regardless of the age of your loved one in residential care, you should always be forthright with your concerns. Be that as it may, you should not be afraid to report your findings to higher authorities if you do not receive appropriate answers.

Contact Us

Nursing home abuse and neglect are serious matters. If you feel that a loved one is being abused in a nursing home in New Jersey, you should seek legal advice. At the Law Offices of Anthony Carbone, we assist clients with these types of concerns. Call our office at 201-829-3805 to see how we can help.

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