Question for Attorney Carbone: I Got Injured on the Job and Then I Was Fired. Is That Legal?
Posted April 24th, 2017 by Anthony Carbone, PC.
Categories: Workers Compensation.
Question: I work as a delivery man. While working, I slipped and fell on a flight a stairs. I broke a few ribs and injured my back, but nothing a few months of healing won’t fix. I’m currently out on workers’ compensation. The other day, I received a letter in the mail from my employer […]
Read MoreDomestic Violence Series: Does it Affect Same-Sex Couples?
Posted April 21st, 2017 by Anthony Carbone, PC.
Categories: Domestic Violence.
As we explained in the last part of this series, domestic violence is universal. It can happen to someone across the world just as it can in your neighbor’s home. It doesn’t matter what race you are or what religion you believe in. And it doesn’t matter who you love. According to 2013 data from […]
Read MoreWhat Happens if You’re Hurt While Breaking Up a Fight at Work?
Posted April 20th, 2017 by Anthony Carbone, PC.
Categories: Workers Compensation.
You might have done it on instinct. Or, thought that breaking up fights at work is one of your responsibilities. However, what happens if you’re hurt in the process? Can you make a workers’ compensation claim? It’s an interesting discussion. For one, some altercations at work fall under the category of horseplay. NJSA 34:15-7.1 provides […]
Read MoreWhat if a Slip and Fall Accident Causes a Pedestrian Accident?
Posted April 19th, 2017 by Anthony Carbone, PC.
Categories: Slip and Falls.
It’s a beautiful spring day. You decide to take a walk to the local convenience store to get a soda then head to the office. As you are about to cross the street, your foot gets caught on a crack in the sidewalk right in front of the store. You stumble and fall into the […]
Read MoreWhat is the Real Meaning of an Independent Medical Examination?
Posted April 18th, 2017 by Anthony Carbone, PC.
Categories: Personal Injury.
You were injured in some type of accident. It could have been a car crash, a slip and fall, or an incident that occurred at work. You already are being treated by a number of medical providers. To your surprise, you are directed to appear for an independent medical exam. What exactly does that mean? […]
Read MoreQuestions for Attorney Carbone: Our Son Was Arrested! What Will Happen Next?
Posted April 17th, 2017 by Anthony Carbone, PC.
Categories: Criminal Defense.
Question: Our son and his friends decided it was a good idea to take a neighbor’s car and go for a ride. Of course, the neighbor reported the car was stolen and the boys were arrested by the police. My wife and I are very worried about his future. What will happen next? Do we […]
Read MoreDomestic Violence Series: Domestic Violence Among Immigrants
Posted April 14th, 2017 by Anthony Carbone, PC.
Categories: Domestic Violence.
Domestic violence is not just isolated to one country. It is, unfortunately, a global problem. According to the World Health Organization, 1 in 3 women worldwide have experienced either physical and/or sexual violence in their lifetime. The majority of this violence is from intimate partners – almost a third of women who have been in a […]
Read MoreWhen It Looks Like a Pet Owner is Liable for Your Injuries
Posted April 13th, 2017 by Anthony Carbone, PC.
Categories: Personal Injury.
You’ve heard the expression that “kids will be kids.” In a sense, it means that children are too young to understand the consequences of their actions. If something goes wrong, you may look to hold the parents responsible. So what about cats, dogs, and other animals? Just how liable is the pet owner when an […]
Read MoreWhat is Considered Harassment?
Posted April 12th, 2017 by Anthony Carbone, PC.
Categories: Criminal Defense.
Your boyfriend just broke up with you and refuses to speak with you. You just can’t take it anymore. You tried calling him again and again but he just won’t answer the phone. You even showed up at his house, hoping for an explanation. But what started as a request for an explanation quickly escalated […]
Read MoreMotorcycle Accident Information That Will Blow Your Mind
Posted April 11th, 2017 by Anthony Carbone, PC.
Categories: Auto Accidents.
Of course, no one plans to get in a motorcycle accident. Unfortunately, it could happen the first time you decide to hop on the back of a friend’s bike and take off in the glorious weather. Certainly, you’re not thinking about the prospect that you could be thrown from the motorcycle. Assuredly, you’ve taken standard […]
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