Question for Attorney Carbone: A Slip and Fall Aggravated an Old Injury. Can I Still Sue?
Posted March 13th, 2017 by Anthony Carbone, PC.
Categories: Slip and Falls.
Question: I got into a car accident a few years back. I injured my back in the accident and it never completely healed, although it doesn’t affect my day-to-day life. Recently, I was at the gas station buying some milk. Someone had commented that I should be careful of the puddles surrounding the leaky case. Despite […]
Read MoreThe Mode of Operation Rule and Snowy Weather
Posted March 10th, 2017 by Anthony Carbone, PC.
Categories: Slip and Falls.
Wait, isn’t winter over? It felt like it was over. It looks like Mother Nature has decided to give us one last snowfall before spring officially arrives. And with North Jersey experiencing snow and rainfall today, it’s the perfect combination of events for slip and fall accidents. We’ve spent a lot of time discussing what […]
Read MoreWho is Responsible When a Truck Causes an Accident?
Posted March 9th, 2017 by Anthony Carbone, PC.
Categories: Auto Accidents.
It’s an unfortunate statistic. According to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMSCA), there continues to be an alarming number of truck accidents. Let’s just look at reports from 2015 alone. A number of truck accidents from the prior year saw an eight percent increase in fatal crashes. For those who suffered injuries, the numbers […]
Read MoreWhy File for an At-Fault Divorce?
Posted March 8th, 2017 by Anthony Carbone, PC.
Categories: Family Law.
You just can’t stand living with that man anymore. He’s making you crazy! Not only that, but you found out he’s been cheating on you for the past three months. You need to file for a divorce and now. But don’t you need a reason? Can cheating be considered enough reason for a divorce? When […]
Read MoreVictim of a Jersey City Pedestrian Accident? What You Need to Know.
Posted March 7th, 2017 by Anthony Carbone, PC.
Categories: Auto Accidents.
You are walking across the street within the lined crosswalk. You are absolutely paying attention to make sure all cars are stopped. As you near the middle of the intersection, a red car darts out of nowhere and heads directly towards you. Your attempts to quickly move away are futile. You feel your body tossed […]
Read MoreQuestion for Attorney Carbone: Can I Reapply for Workers’ Compensation?
Posted March 6th, 2017 by Anthony Carbone, PC.
Categories: Workers Compensation.
Question: I work with chemicals as part of my job. The years of handling toxic substances have affected me greatly and now I have pneumonitis. The medical bills are insane and a friend had urged me to file for workers’ compensation. However, my claim was denied. What can I do next? Should I reapply? Answer: […]
Read MoreWhat Happens When You Are Charged With a DUI as Your First Offense
Posted March 3rd, 2017 by Anthony Carbone, PC.
Categories: Criminal Defense.
You had a few drinks at the party. No big deal, you were just a little tipsy when you decided to go home. However, you misjudged a turn and hit the curb. A police car saw the incident and pulled you over. The next thing you know you’re being arrested for DUI. This is your […]
Read MoreDo You Need to Fight a Jersey City Ordinance Violation?
Posted March 2nd, 2017 by Anthony Carbone, PC.
Categories: Legal Topics.
The law can be confusing on so many levels. You can face all different federal and state charges. However, did you know that some legal problems actually involve local law? Let’s take a look at some Jersey City ordinance violations that might surprise you. What do we mean by ordinance? Essentially, ordinances are a set […]
Read MoreCan I Amend a Personal Injury Claim After It’s Been Filed?
Posted March 1st, 2017 by Anthony Carbone, PC.
Categories: Personal Injury.
You get into a horrific accident, causing massive bone fractures. The medical bills are astronomical. The insurance company refuses to pay your personal injury claim so you decide to sue the party responsible for the accident. After filing the complaint, you find new evidence that proves the defendant was liable. Can you amend the complaint? […]
Read MoreWho Does Parental Alienation Really Hurt?
Posted February 28th, 2017 by Anthony Carbone, PC.
Categories: Family Law.
Would it surprise you to learn that parental alienation is actually considered a form of child abuse? When one parent portrays the other as the “bad guy,” nothing good can come of it. In the end, it’s almost always the children who get hurt. It can happen to anyone. You may have imagined an easy […]
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