Breed-Specific Dog Laws in New Jersey

Posted March 8th, 2016 by .

Categories: Personal Injury.

dog breed laws anthony carboneAlmost all of us have a preconceived notion of what dogs are considered are the most dangerous.  Did you know?  There are breed-specific dog laws in certain parts of New Jersey.  In addition, homeowner’s insurance may rate your policy depending on the type of dog you own.  Does this mean you are more at risk for a lawsuit if you treasure one of these pets?

Pit bulls top the List

We all know pit bulls who are docile and loving animals.  Nevertheless, certain municipalities have classified them as a whole.  Consider the following:

  • Atlantic City Ordinance Section 121-40 indicates that there is a refutable presumption that pit bulls are considered dangerous dogs.
  • The Highland Park ordinances also classify pit bulls as dangerous dogs. They extend their definition of pit bulls to include any dogs that are mixed breeds, containing some pit bull blood.  Pit bulls are further classified as dogs that are Staffordshire Bull Terrier, American Pit Bull Terriers or American Staffordshire Terrier.
  • Pit bulls are presumed dangerous according to laws in the City of Camden.
  • Gloucester’s County is home to Newfield, whose ordinances also define pit bulls in line with the language applied by Highland Park. However, they classify pit bulls and other dogs with a propensity to attack, as viscous.

All Dogs can bite you

The breed of dog who bites you or a loved one is of little consequence.  In order to recover money from the animal’s owner, there are other relevant factors:

  • Was the dog on a leash?
  • Did the owner warn you to stay away from his or her pet?
  • Was the animal a stray?
  • Has the dog bitten anyone else in the past?
  • Did the dog bite incident occur in a public place?
  • Were you on private property as an invite guest?

Contact Us

If you were attacked by a dog, you should seek legal counsel to see if you are eligible for damages.  This could include recoupment of medical expenses and compensation for lost wages.  You may also be entitled to money for pain and suffering and scarring after the wound heals.

At the Law Offices of Anthony Carbone, we have significant experience with dog bite cases.  Contact us to learn how we can assist you in your pursuit of legal action.


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