Sick and Tired of Domestic Violence Hurting Your Children?
Posted October 19th, 2017 by Anthony Carbone, PC.
Categories: Domestic Violence.
You remember the day it came to a head. Your husband screamed some obscenities at you and punched a hole in the wall. Meanwhile, your daughters were huddled together, waiting for the blows to land on you. The tears were streaming down your face as you tried to focus on preparing the evening meal. Somehow, […]
Read MoreDomestic Violence and Elder Abuse: Are They Related?
Posted October 17th, 2017 by Anthony Carbone, PC.
Categories: Domestic Violence.
Hopefully, the story doesn’t hit home. Your mom is well into her eighties. Meanwhile, your unmarried sister has agreed to move in with your mother and take care of her. Out of nowhere, your mom has unexplained bruises. She also acts fearful around your sister and mutters about her. Is it possible that your mother […]
Read MoreDomestic Violence and PTI: What You Need to Know
Posted October 12th, 2017 by Anthony Carbone, PC.
Categories: Domestic Violence.
As you may know, PTI stands for Pretrial Intervention, a New Jersey program. For the most part, only first-time criminal offenders may seek entry into PTI. The benefits are plentiful and allow defendants to ultimately walk away without the stigma of a criminal record. If you are facing domestic violence charges, pretrial intervention may sound […]
Read MoreIs it Possible to be Deported for a Domestic Violence Conviction?
Posted October 10th, 2017 by Anthony Carbone, PC.
Categories: Domestic Violence.
You’ve been in the states for a number of years. With all the crackdowns on immigration, you are already worried. In one sense, you feel protected. After all, you do have your green card. Notwithstanding, your cause for concern might be very valid. A domestic violence conviction could warrant the start of deportation proceedings. In […]
Read MoreDomestic Violence: When Is an Arrest Mandatory?
Posted October 6th, 2017 by Anthony Carbone, PC.
Categories: Domestic Violence.
You really don’t understand the law. You called the police because your ex-girlfriend is harassing you on social media. She’s calling you all kinds of names and making your life miserable. Someone told you that cyber-harassment could be an act of domestic violence. As far as you are concerned, the police should lock her up […]
Read MoreWho is Protected by New Jersey’s Domestic Violence Laws?
Posted October 3rd, 2017 by Anthony Carbone, PC.
Categories: Domestic Violence.
Just about everyone has some concept of how domestic violence complaints work. In yesterday’s article, we broke down a number of offenses that may be considered acts of domestic violence. However, there’s something else you need to know. All things considered, who is protected by New Jersey’s domestic violence laws? In New Jersey, the law […]
Read MoreOctober is National Domestic Violence Month
Posted October 2nd, 2017 by Anthony Carbone, PC.
Categories: Domestic Violence.
October is here again, and that means National Domestic Violence Awareness Month is upon us. It’s a time when we take a moment to examine how domestic violence not only affects our families and loved ones, but the community as a whole. According the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, nearly 20 people per minute are […]
Read MoreAs We Increase Domestic Violence Awareness, We Must Remember to Endgame: Fairness Under the Law
Posted September 25th, 2017 by Anthony Carbone, PC.
Categories: Domestic Violence.
October conjures thoughts of pumpkins, chilly days, and for many thousands, the pink ribbons and clothing associated with breast cancer awareness. But not to be forgotten is that October is also National Domestic Violence Awareness Month, a time to increase consciousness about an insidious problem that crosses cultural, economic, and religious boundaries. The law in […]
Read MoreThe Admissible Evidence of Prior Domestic Violence
Posted September 13th, 2017 by Anthony Carbone, PC.
Categories: Domestic Violence.
Domestic violence is an abusive or violent pattern of actions or behavior towards another human being in a domestic setting. As simple as it might be to define, the trickier things become when domestic violence enters the courtroom. Most commonly, it’s a “he said, she said” ordeal with hardly any physical evidence. On top of […]
Read MoreCan I File a TRO for Someone Else in Jersey City, NJ?
Posted September 6th, 2017 by Anthony Carbone, PC.
Categories: Domestic Violence.
Your sister has been in an abusive relationship for a few years now. There have been many nights where you sit on the phone, consoling her hysterical tears. She finally decides enough is enough and escapes the situation. But she’s afraid her ex will come after her. You tell her to get a restraining order […]
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