More Chance of Injuries as the Super Bowl Approaches?

Posted January 24th, 2019 by .

Categories: Auto Accidents, Domestic Violence, Personal Injury.

More Chance of Injuries as the Super Bowl Approaches?In less than two weeks, over 100 million people will be doing the same thing. A large number will be watching the big game huddled together at home parties. Meanwhile, others will head out to the neighborhood bar to catch the Super Bowl on a bigger screen.  Of course, there will also be some lucky enough to have seats right in the stadium.  So, why in the world would anyone think there’s more chance of injuries just because of a football game?

Without a doubt, the Super Bowl is the most-watched sporting event in the United States. That said, some just stay tuned for the commercials. Although New Jersey viewers did not see the advertisement featured in this newspaper article, it surely turned heads. The commercial flashed through a slew of television personal injury attorney 1-800 advertisements. In the background, a Georgia lawyer used his own voice to promote his firm. He says he chose personal injury as a practice area to assist those who need help.

  • All things considered, the ad might just hit home at the right time. There is some evidence that it’s not only the players on the field that are at risk for injury. You might be surprised.

Super Bowl and DWI Accidents

More Chance of Injuries as the Super Bowl Approaches? | the Law Offices of Anthony CarboneSuper Bowl parties often border on extravaganzas. One can count on access to kegs of beer, and lots of wine and mixed drinks. One problem. Unless you’re staying on your own couch, you need to worry about you or someone else getting behind the wheel after a few too many. The problem with DWI during the Super Bowl is so bad that the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) offers marketing materials to warn of the dangers. In fact, they remind drivers that buzzed driving is the same as driving while under the influence.

Truth be told, drunk driving represents the leading cause of fatal highway crashes. Additionally, some of the most serious injuries often related to an accident with someone driving while intoxicated. Unfortunately, there’s no way of knowing about the condition of the other drivers who decided to drive after drinking with friends at a Super Bowl celebration.

Domestic Violence Complaints

More Chance of Injuries as the Super Bowl Approaches? | the Law Offices of Anthony CarboneSome call the idea of increased domestic violence complaints a bit of urban folklore. As the story goes, a losing team makes for an irritated spouse or another intimate partner. Will the legalization of sports gambling create more of a problem? Some suggest that no one wants to lose money and with the accessibility to placing bets, tempers may soar even more. Meanwhile, no real evidence suggests there are more domestic violence complaints filed on Super Bowl Sunday. However, it doesn’t mean that someone somewhere may encounter problems.

  • Domestic violence actions call for experienced legal representation. Not only is there the possibility of filing a claim for personal injury, but there may be questions regarding restraining orders and arranging for criminal defense.

Contact Us

More Chance of Injuries as the Super Bowl Approaches? | the Law Offices of Anthony CarboneAt the Law Offices of Anthony Carbone, we have over three decades of assisting injury victims. Whether your issues are related to a Super Bowl celebration or not, we would be happy to help you.  Contact our office to schedule an appointment.

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