Tracy Morgan and the lasting effects of an auto accident

Posted June 1st, 2015 by .

Categories: Auto Accidents, Personal Injury.

emotional-effects-after-an-auto-accidentIt’s been almost a year since he was involved in a deadly truck accident and Tracy Morgan still getting over the pain. In his first interview, the comedian broke down and said how much pain he was still in. Although the case between Morgan and Walmart, the owner of the truck, had been settled out of court, the interview shows how much of a life-altering experience an auto accident can be for the victims. But it also raises questions: Could this happen to you? And if so, can you be compensated for this pain?

After an auto accident, you may be more concerned with your physical health rather than your mental health. It could be days, weeks, or even months before you are fully healed. But the mental pain you experience can last much longer. Although many of us will soon forget accident, You could experience post-traumatic stress disorder which has such symptoms as anxiety, lack of concentration, irritability, or insomnia. You may need to seek professional help to get your through the pain.

If you are planning to file a personal injury lawsuit, then mental pain can be added the damages. This is called “mental pain and suffering.” This is a result of any emotional or mental issues you may be having after an auto accident, such as loss of enjoyment of life, fear, emotional distress, and anxiety. Remember, any type of accident can be a life-altering experience. If you are still suffering from the effects, shouldn’t you be properly compensated for it?

If you’ve been in an auto accident in New Jersey, you should have an experienced personal injury lawyer by your side. Contact the Law Offices of Anthony Carbone today for a free consultation.

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