Can You Actually Prevent a Fall Down Accident in New Jersey?

Posted July 3rd, 2019 by .

Categories: Premises Liability, Slip and Falls.

Truth be told, personal injury attorneys come into play after people are hurt. However, that doesn’t speak to best-case scenarios. The idea that an “ounce of prevention is worth its weight in gold” makes perfect sense. Is it possible to prevent a fall down accident and avoid injury? You might be surprised. According to the […]

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When Is It Too Late to File for Your Slip and Fall Injury?

Posted May 13th, 2019 by .

Categories: Slip and Falls.

A few months ago, you slipped on a wet floor mat just inside your local grocery store. You landed on your back and grimaced in pain. You seemed a little caught off guard by the incident, but decided to brush it off like it wasn’t a big deal. What seemed like simple soreness didn’t go […]

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Warm Weather Slip and Fall Accidents in New Jersey

Posted May 6th, 2019 by .

Categories: Slip and Falls.

Warm weather may be here, but it doesn’t mean slip and fall accidents just go away. The injuries that happen during this time of year may not get the same attention as the ones that occur during the winter, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t significant issues. They are. Someone could get seriously hurt, or […]

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Your Slip and Fall Claim: Determining What it’s Worth

Posted April 25th, 2019 by .

Categories: Slip and Falls.

More than likely, Brett Favre was speaking about football injuries when he shared his view. However, his remark that “injuries obviously change the way you approach the game” holds true to everyday life. That said, determining what your slip and fall claim is worth might seem critical to your survival. First and foremost, dispel any […]

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Was Your Slip and Fall Injury Actually Preventable?

Posted April 23rd, 2019 by .

Categories: Slip and Falls.

Is it still an accident if it was inevitable? Was it literally an accident waiting to happen? Truth be told, there’s a chance that your slip and fall injury was actually preventable. Does this lessen the blow, even a little? Hindsight often sheds a different light on slip and fall accidents. Sometimes, the meaning becomes […]

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What Surveillance Means to Your Slip and Fall Accident

Posted April 18th, 2019 by .

Categories: Slip and Falls.

You may have noticed. Surveillance videos populate much of modern-day society. In some cases, they could actually impact the handling of the claim for your slip and fall accident. One New Jersey man undoubtedly bemoans the use of video cameras on the job. According to news sources, the independent contractor faked a fall down accident […]

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Did You Slip and Fall Right Out of a Nursery Rhyme?

Posted April 16th, 2019 by .

Categories: Slip and Falls.

“Jack and Jill went up the hill…” Just about everyone can recite the consequences of the quest for a pail of water. Interestingly enough, the fact that Jack broke his crown reportedly has several meanings. That said, your own slip and fall accident may bear some strange resemblance to a familiar nursery rhyme. Did you […]

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Why Did These Slip and Fall Accidents Happen at Work?

Posted April 11th, 2019 by .

Categories: Slip and Falls, Workers Compensation.

Truth be told, different types of injury claims call for different types of legal action. In fact, slip and fall accidents that happened at work can result in two types of cases. The circumstances of the incident dictate the prospect of making multiple claims. In most employment situations, your employer becomes first responsible for your […]

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50 Ways to Collect on Your Slip and Fall Case

Posted April 9th, 2019 by .

Categories: Slip and Falls.

Paul Simon says there’s “50 Ways to Leave Your Lover.” If that’s possible, there must be at least 50 ways you can help in pursuing your right to collect on your slip and fall case. And, no, we’re not talking about “slipping out the back, Jack.”  Your Slip and Fall Case: The First 10 Retain […]

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Sidewalk Slip and Fall Accidents: Who Do You Blame?

Posted April 2nd, 2019 by .

Categories: Slip and Falls.

No one can deny the sheer pain of landing on a sidewalk.  Unfortunately, the harm often results in more than a scraped knee that will eventually heal. That said, you may have some questions. Who’s to blame if you are hurt when you slip and fall on a sidewalk? The answer isn’t as easy as […]

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