Child Abuse is a Serious Crime in New Jersey

Posted February 13th, 2015 by .

Categories: Criminal Defense.

child-abuse-attorney-anthony-carboneNo one likes to think about child abuse. It’s hard to imagine anyone could hurt someone so innocent and young. But unfortunately, child abuse happens more often than you think. According to the US Department of Health & Human Services Children’s Bureau, 686,000 children nationwide were victims of abuse and neglect in 2012. The majority of those abused were children younger than 1 year old.

In New Jersey, child abuse and neglect one or more of the following actions:

  • Serious physical and emotion harm to the child
  • Sexual abuse
  • Harmed or posed a serious risk of harm to the child
  • A use of excessive physical punishment on the child
  • Abandonment

Many people are afraid to get involved when there is abuse happening but did you know that you can be charged with a misdemeanor by failing to report it? When there is a case of neglect or abuse in New Jersey, the NJ Department of Children and Families’ Division of Child Protection and Permanency is usually the one that answers the call. However, if you know of child abuse happening and fail to report it to DCP&P, you can be charged with a disorderly persons offense with a punishment of a $1,000 fine and up to six months in jail. So even if you have doubts, it’s better to call DCP&P and be wrong than ignore it and be right.

If you know of a child who is being abused, you may want to talk with an attorney to protect your rights. At the Law Offices of Anthony Carbone, we have 26 years of experience in handling child abuse cases and dealing with the DCP&P. In addition to aggressive representation in court, we are sensitive to your needs. If you were either falsely accused of child abuse or you suspect someone is abusing your child, contact us today for a free consultation.


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