Domestic Violence and the Effect on Children
Posted August 1st, 2021 by Anthony Carbone, PC.
Categories: Domestic Violence.

Domestic violence or abuse refers to any event or series of instances of threatening and controlling behavior, abuse, or violence. It generally occurs in persons who have been intimately involved or who are relatives. Domestic violence can occur in various forms, including:
- Physical incidents, such as hurling objects
- Sexual or emotional abuse, i.e., controlling behavior, and verbal threats
Other forms of domestic violence include being over-controlling in terms of finances or forced marriage. Today, domestic abuse is not limited to the home; it can also occur on the internet, social networking sites, or cell phones.
Who Are the Perpetrators of Domestic Abuse and Violence?
While it is more common to see a man assaulting a woman, perpetrators may be either men or women. Abuse may occur in any religion, profession, socioeconomic, age, or ethnic group. It can happen in any relationship, even same-sex ones. Children can be victims of domestic violence or, if they become older, perpetrators of domestic abuse and violence themselves.
Most people believe that mental illness and alcohol can result in violence. Domestic violence is not caused by alcohol. Nonetheless, there is proof that alcohol is often prevalent in situations where domestic violence occurs. The majority of mentally ill people are not abusive.
How Does Domestic Violence Affect Children?
Watching one of their parents threatening, manipulating, or abusing the other is undoubtedly distressing for children.
Anxiety in younger kids is a possibility. They can experience stomachaches or begin to wet their bed. They can experience temper tantrums, begin to act much more youthful than they are, or have trouble sleeping. When they join school or nursery, they will find it hard to detach from their abused parents.
Older children have a different reaction. On the other hand, boys tend to demonstrate their distress in a more overt way, such as by being disobedient and hostile. They may begin to use violence in solving problems, and they might model their behavior after that of their families. Older boys may begin missing school or abusing alcohol and drugs to lock out disturbing memories and experiences.
Girls tend to keep their feelings to themselves. They may isolate themselves from others and become depressed or anxious. They might as well have low self-esteem and experience vague physical symptoms. They often tend to suffer from an eating disorder or damage themselves by cutting or overdosing. They are also much more likely to associate with an abusive person.
Symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder’ may appear in children of any age. They can experience jitteriness, flashbacks, headaches, nightmares, and physical discomfort. Domestic violence negatively impacts children’s academic performance. Their traumatic home encounters make it hard for them to focus in school. Furthermore, if they are concerned about their affected parents, they may fail to attend.
Finding the Best Domestic Violence Lawyer in New Jersey
For a free consultation regarding your domestic violence claim or charge in New Jersey, contact The Law Offices of Anthony Carbone. It is vital to retain the services of a seasoned North Bergen Personal Injury Attorney to assist you in identifying the strongholds of your claim or defense.