New Jersey DUI and DWI Statistics
Posted June 30th, 2021 by Anthony Carbone, PC.
Categories: Criminal Defense.

Drunk driving has been a problem for the United States and other countries across the globe. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), approximately 28 people die every 52 minutes in the United States. That is proof that the high rate of drunk driving is also a public safety hazard.
That is why the law sets very severe punishments to punish offenders caught breaking the law. However, you also have a right. Here are all the statistics and additional information regarding DUI and DWI in New Jersey.
DUI and DWI statistics in New Jersey
The following are the most significant DUI/DWI statistics in New Jersey from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
- 20% of drivers who survived and 28% of those who died in 2015 car accidents tested positive for alcohol consumption.
- Almost 80% of drunk drivers killed in road crashes had a blood alcohol concentration of 0.08 or higher.
- Driving while intoxicated (DWI) was listed as the causing factor in 118 of the 522 car accidents in New Jersey.
DUI and DWI statistics in the United States
According to the CDC:
- In the United States, 10497 people died in alcohol-caused car accidents in 2016, a 28% proportion of all traffic-related deaths.
- More than one million people were arrested in 2016 for driving under the influence of either alcohol or narcotic drugs.
- The annual cost of alcohol-related car accidents totals over $44 billion.
The law relating to DUI and DWI
Due to the high number of alcohol and drug-related car accidents, every state in America has made it illegal to drink and drive with a blood alcohol concentration exceeding 0.08. If arrested, you could be facing up to three months in jail, heavy fines, fees, suspension of your driving license, and other tough consequences. Other consequences, such as community service and alcohol treatment programs, may affect your job. That is why it is essential to work with an attorney.
Key defenses in a DUI and DWI cases
Experienced attorneys use prosecution evidence weakness and illegalities of arrest procedures as the key defenses in their case:
- Illegal seizures: The 4th Amendment prohibits illegal searches and seizures by the police on citizens. Evidence acquired illegally in violation of the 4th amendment cannot be used in court.
- Illegal blood tests: Blood tests are also protected under the 4th amendment, where the police require a warrant for blood tests. Therefore, this can also be used as a potential defense.
- Illegal traffic stops: Police must have a reasonable cause to stop a vehicle. Otherwise, if they illegally stopped a car, the defense can use that to dismiss the case.
Work with the Law Offices of Anthony Carbone
With over 30 years of experience, Anthony Carbone and his team have handled a wide range of cases related to personal injury. The team will take on charges against you and work to ensure the courts dismiss your case entirely. To get a Hudson County Personal Injury Attorney who can protect your rights and avoid wrongful prosecution, call the offices at 201-829-3829 to discuss your options.