Is it Possible to Get Joint Custody Back?

Posted June 22nd, 2017 by .

Categories: Family Law.

It’s been a terrible few years. After your divorce, things began to crumble. You got arrested for passing bad checks and went to prison for a year. Your ex, angry at your behavior, was granted sole custody of your only son. But you turned a corner and things began to change. You are now a […]

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Can My Child Refuse to See the Parent?

Posted June 2nd, 2017 by .

Categories: Family Law.

Here’s a scenario for you: You and your ex-husband recently got a divorce and your children have been taken it hard. You both are on friendly terms and have joint custody of your children. You both agree that the father will take the children for the summer. Although your son is excited, your daughter doesn’t […]

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Do Grandparents Have Visitation Rights in New Jersey?

Posted May 12th, 2017 by .

Categories: Family Law.

Grandparents are special in a child’s life. They can have a positive effect in your child’s life and provide a secondary set of parents. But do they have any rights in the raising of your child? For example, Jim and Ellen love spending time with their grandchildren. However, they don’t get along with their son-in-law. […]

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Question for Attorney Carbone: Can My Children Choose What Parent to Live With?

Posted January 30th, 2017 by .

Categories: Family Law.

Question: My wife and I have begun divorce proceedings. We’ve agreed on many sticking points; however, the issue we keep fighting over is custody of the children. My wife is not a very responsible person and she tends to neglect our children. I don’t think she should have custody, just visitation rights. My boys, ages […]

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What is the Guardianship Law?

Posted December 14th, 2016 by .

Categories: Family Law.

In a previous blog, we’ve discussed guardianship in relation to an elderly person. It is the legal relationship between a guardian and a person who is unable to take care of his/her own affairs. But what about a minor? Is it a different process? The first thing you need to know is you is guardianship […]

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My Abusive Husband Wants Child Custody. What Do I Do?

Posted December 7th, 2016 by .

Categories: Domestic Violence, Family Law.

You and your children finally escape from your abusive husband’s grasp. You apply for a restraining order and begin divorce proceedings against him. You assume that you will be granted sole custody of your children so you don’t worry too much about a custody battle. Until you find out that your soon-to-be ex wants child […]

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Can You Refuse Visitation if Child Support is Not Paid?

Posted November 14th, 2016 by .

Categories: Family Law.

You have joint custody of your daughter with your ex-husband, who pays you child support since he makes more money than you. He feels that he doesn’t need to pay you child support and for the past few months hasn’t given you any more. Though he still visits his daughter, you have not seen a single […]

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Child Support Payments About to Change in New Jersey

Posted October 14th, 2016 by .

Categories: Family Law.

A new law in New Jersey will soon go into effect and could impact the duration of child support payments. Last January, the state Legislature signed a new emancipation statute into law. The statute, signed into law by Gov. Christie on May and will take effect in February, will apply to all support orders that […]

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My Ex Died. Who Gets the Kids?

Posted August 29th, 2016 by .

Categories: Family Law.

After a nasty divorce, your ex-spouse receives sole custody of your two children. However, when driving to work one day, your ex gets into an accident and unexpectedly dies. Although the ex’s will states that the grandparents should gain custody of the children, is it possible that you can gain custody of your children? It’s […]

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The Different Types of Child Custody in New Jersey

Posted July 11th, 2016 by .

Categories: Family Law.

One of your main concerns when dealing with a divorce is what will happen with your children. Who will they live with? Will the other parent get visitation rights? Will you receive child support payments? All legitimate concerns for any parent and sometimes, these questions can be difficult to answer. Especially if you’re not aware […]

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