What is the difference between DUI and DWI?
Posted July 3rd, 2021 by Anthony Carbone, PC.
Categories: Criminal Defense.

According to the United States Department of Transportation, three people are killed every two hours in alcohol-related highway accidents. In addition, approximately four million United States adults were driving under the influence in 2010. This shows that drunk-driving cases are high and dangerous in America and other countries as well. Most people do not know the difference between driving under the influence (DUI) and driving while intoxicated (DWI). If charged with either, call our Hudson County Personal Injury Attorney to protect your rights. Here is the difference between the two:
What is a DWI?
As stated above, you could be charged for driving while intoxicated (DWI). In such a case, intoxication means that the driver was not on normal mental or physical faculties because they had consumed alcohol or any other controlled substance. The police officer will test you to determine whether your blood concentration level is 0.08 or more.
What is a DUI?
It is also illegal in all states to drive under the influence (DUI). However, a DWI charge is different from a DUI. It is possible to be charged with DUI when the blood concentration level is less than 0.08. This is possible when the accused is a minor or had an alcohol amount impairing their physical systems. Therefore, if an individual has a detectable amount of alcohol that impaired their judgment, they were driving under the influence.
What is the difference between DWI and DUI?
While there is a difference between the two charges, both offenses can easily result in mandatory alcohol treatment or license suspension. However, the specific definitions and the penalties will differ from state to state. Some states will only issue a DUI charge to drivers below the legal age for having any amount of alcohol in their blood. According to the New Jersey law, you may receive a punishment of 30 days or less in prison, high fines, license suspension, and surcharges regardless of whether it is your first time with the offense. In addition, victims of DUI drivers in an accident can file for compensation of:
- Medical bills
- Property damage
- Loss of income
- Pain and suffering
Will I be fired for DUI/DWI?
If you wonder whether it is possible to lose your job after a drunk-driving charge, the answer is yes. Even if the employer does not do so because of the charge, the court sessions, community service, and the possibility of a short jail term will undoubtedly affect your job. If it becomes inconvenient, you will lose your job. The good news is that your insurance rates will not go up because of such charges.
What to do after a DWI or DUI charge?
Wherever you are arrested, the most important thing should always be contacting a lawyer to protect your rights. They will help you reduce the potential penalties that could substantially affect your future. Our expert at the Law Offices of Anthony Carbone has over 30 years dealing with similar cases. Call the offices today at 201-733-2230 to discuss your options.