Social Media Can Negatively Affect Your Case
Posted March 3rd, 2016 by Anthony Carbone, PC.
Categories: Legal Topics.
Whether you are involved in a criminal case or some type of lawsuit, you should be aware. Social media can negatively affect your case. Those seemingly innocent posts on Facebook or innocuous tweets may be a grave cause for concern. Don’t believe us? Consider these real live cases that were impacted by social media. Detectives […]
Read MoreMLB Gets Tough on Domestic Violence
Posted March 2nd, 2016 by Anthony Carbone, PC.
Categories: Domestic Violence.
In the past, we’ve talked a lot about domestic violence and the NFL’s attempts to strengthen its domestic violence policy. And it looks like one sports organization has proven its taking a stand against domestic violence. Just recently, the MLB had handed down a 30-game suspension to New York Yankees pitcher Aroldis Chapman under its new […]
Read MoreHow to Handle Hit and Run Accident Claims
Posted March 1st, 2016 by Anthony Carbone, PC.
Categories: Auto Accidents.
The recent news is filled with reports of hit and run accidents. In nearby West New York, a seven-year-old was killed and her mother severely injured when they were struck by a hit and run driver. On the New Jersey Turnpike, a rookie New York City police officer lost his life when he was hit […]
Read MoreWhat You Should Do After a Divorce
Posted February 29th, 2016 by Anthony Carbone, PC.
Categories: Family Law.
It’s been a long time coming, almost a year now. You’ve worked out all financial details, came up with a child support and custody plan, and presented everything to the court. And now, you’re finally divorced! Time to take a deep sigh of relief. The craziness is finally over. But, before you say you’re done with […]
Read MoreSlip and Fall Series: Who’s at Fault for My Accident at an Apartment Complex?
Posted February 26th, 2016 by Anthony Carbone, PC.
Categories: Personal Injury, Slip and Falls.
Slip and fall accidents can happen anywhere at anytime. You don’t need bad weather conditions to have an accident. It can happen in your home, at the grocery store, even walking down the sidewalk. In this series, we’ve discussed what happens when you fall on someone’s property and on government property. But what about an […]
Read MoreHow much does it Cost to Install a Breathalyzer in your Car?
Posted February 25th, 2016 by Anthony Carbone, PC.
Categories: Criminal Defense.
Some people like to have their cars equipped with the latest gadgets. Few consider voluntarily installing a Breathalyzer in their vehicle. What exactly is the cost of installing such a device in your car? Can you be required to do so? Ignition Interlock Devices Actually a Breathalyzer is actually a brand name for a device […]
Read MoreCan I Get a DUI Even Though I’m Not Driving in Jersey City, NJ?
Posted February 24th, 2016 by Anthony Carbone, PC.
Categories: Criminal Defense.
We all know that you can get arrested for driving while intoxicated. But what if you’re behind the wheel of a parked car? Can you still get a DUI when you’re not actually driving your car? Here’s a scenario: After a long night of partying at your favorite drinking establishment, you are ready to head […]
Read MoreWhat You Should Know About Seatbelts and Personal Injury
Posted February 23rd, 2016 by Anthony Carbone, PC.
Categories: Personal Injury.
More than likely, most New Jersey drivers know that seatbelts are mandatory for every private passenger vehicle. Seatbelt laws do not just pertain to the driver and front seat passenger. They are also a requirement for those seated in the back seat of a car. Nevertheless, some take a chance and go without the restraints. […]
Read MoreIs it Possible to Get Alimony Even if You Have a Prenup?
Posted February 22nd, 2016 by Anthony Carbone, PC.
Categories: Family Law.
Before getting married, you and your soon-to-be spouse would sign a prenuptial agreement. In the agreement, there was no specific mention of alimony if you were going to get divorced since you both have stable, good-paying jobs. Besides, you’re not going to get a divorce, right? Famous last words. Not only are you getting a […]
Read MoreSlip and Fall Series: What Proof Do I need to Win My Case?
Posted February 19th, 2016 by Anthony Carbone, PC.
Categories: Personal Injury, Slip and Falls.
Throughout this series, we’ve established that if you have a slip and fall accident on someone else’s property, chances are the responsibility lies with the property owner. However, how can you prove this? This is the tricky part when it comes to any type of personal injury claim, especially slip and fall cases. There are […]
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