The Reformed New Jersey Bail System: Is It Working?
Posted May 10th, 2017 by Anthony Carbone, PC.
Categories: Criminal Defense.
Back in November, we discussed the major changes that were coming to the bail system in New Jersey. The plan was to replace cash bail with a system that allows judges to use an algorithm to assess whether a defendant presents a flight risk or danger to the community when deciding bail. Similar to the federal […]
Read MoreWhat is Drug Court? Are You Eligible?
Posted April 26th, 2017 by Anthony Carbone, PC.
Categories: Criminal Defense.
It’s a fact — the country is dealing with a major drug epidemic. Every night on the news there are stories of another person dying of a heroin overdose. In fact, heroin and morphine deaths in New Jersey skyrocketed from 2010 to 2015. According to the New Jersey Medical Examiner’s Office, there were 1,587 drug […]
Read MoreQuestions for Attorney Carbone: Our Son Was Arrested! What Will Happen Next?
Posted April 17th, 2017 by Anthony Carbone, PC.
Categories: Criminal Defense.
Question: Our son and his friends decided it was a good idea to take a neighbor’s car and go for a ride. Of course, the neighbor reported the car was stolen and the boys were arrested by the police. My wife and I are very worried about his future. What will happen next? Do we […]
Read MoreWhat is Considered Harassment?
Posted April 12th, 2017 by Anthony Carbone, PC.
Categories: Criminal Defense.
Your boyfriend just broke up with you and refuses to speak with you. You just can’t take it anymore. You tried calling him again and again but he just won’t answer the phone. You even showed up at his house, hoping for an explanation. But what started as a request for an explanation quickly escalated […]
Read MoreWhy Would I Need an Attorney to Get My Record Expunged?
Posted April 5th, 2017 by Anthony Carbone, PC.
Categories: Criminal Defense.
It’s hard to get a good job and a decent place to live these days. It doesn’t help that you have a criminal record. It’s no fair — employers take one look at your job application and instantly vote no if they see that you have a record. But you committed that crime years ago […]
Read MoreThe Difference Between Grand Theft Auto and Joyriding
Posted March 29th, 2017 by Anthony Carbone, PC.
Categories: Criminal Defense.
Your best friend just bought one sweet ride. You have been itching to go for a ride but your friend is waiting for nicer weather before taking it out on the open road. One day, she asks you to house-sit for her while she goes on vacation and you agree. While she’s out of town, you […]
Read MoreI was Charged With a Disorderly Persons Offense. What Does That Mean?
Posted March 22nd, 2017 by Anthony Carbone, PC.
Categories: Criminal Defense.
You were caught with a small amount of drugs in your possession. You were arrested by the police and taken to jail. At your arraignment, you learn that you are being charged with a disorderly persons offense. You’ve never heard that term before. What does it mean? Is it really serious? Should you be worried? […]
Read MoreWhat Happens When You Are Charged With a DUI as Your First Offense
Posted March 3rd, 2017 by Anthony Carbone, PC.
Categories: Criminal Defense.
You had a few drinks at the party. No big deal, you were just a little tipsy when you decided to go home. However, you misjudged a turn and hit the curb. A police car saw the incident and pulled you over. The next thing you know you’re being arrested for DUI. This is your […]
Read MoreQuestion for Attorney Carbone: What if I Don’t Go to Court?
Posted February 6th, 2017 by Anthony Carbone, PC.
Categories: Criminal Defense.
Question: A couple of months ago I was arrested after drugs were found in my car. I am currently out on bail. My court date falls on the same date as my mother going into the hospital for surgery. Since she is elderly, I want to be there in case something happens during the salary. […]
Read MoreQuestion for Attorney Carbone: Can I Still be Arrested for Shoplifting?
Posted January 16th, 2017 by Anthony Carbone, PC.
Categories: Criminal Defense.
Question: A friend of mine dared me to go to Walmart and shoplift an item. I was able to steal a $50 item and left the store. Now I’m afraid they’re going to come after me. Could the store charge me with shoplifting even though I wasn’t caught? And if I go back to the […]
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