Diagnosing Soft Tissue Injury After a Car Accident

Posted December 23rd, 2013 by .

Categories: Auto Accidents.

When two vehicles collide, the injuries to the drivers and passengers can be extensive. After you undergo medical treatment, Jersey City car accident attorney Anthony Carbone can evaluate your case and help you build an effective claim against the driver responsible for your injuries.

Highly visible wounds like cuts, bruises and broken bones are a common consequence of car accidents. However, though soft tissue injuries are harder to diagnose and might not exhibit symptoms for several days after the accident, damage to the body’s connective structures is no less important to detect and treat.

One of the most common soft tissue injuries after a car accident is whiplash, a sprain of the neck caused by sudden, rapid movement of the head from front to back or vice-versa. Whiplash can cause pain and stiffness in the neck, as well as symptoms that can impair physical and cognitive function.

Other soft tissue injuries affect parts of the body like:

  • Muscles
  • Ligaments
  • Tendons

Though symptoms might vary, soft tissue injury after a car accident can result in serious health issues, making it imperative to seek medical treatment as soon as possible. The following tests can help determine the nature and extent of your injuries:

  • Full exam: Your doctor will assess your body for and ask questions about the presence of common symptoms like swelling, discoloration and pain in the injured area; if you’ve suffered whiplash, additional tests might be required to assess dizziness, memory problems, trouble sleeping, etc.
  • MRI (magnetic resonance imaging): Detailed scan of internal structures using radio waves to produce vivid images of the body’s interior
  • CT (computerized tomography): Pairs powerful X-rays with computer imaging to provide a detailed view of internal structures

If you’ve suffered soft tissue injury and want to learn more about how an established car accident attorney in Jersey City can help you build a strong case, please contact the Law Offices of Anthony Carbone, P.C., or call 201-963-6000 today to schedule a complimentary evaluation.

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