How in the World Can a Phantom Vehicle Be Liable for Your Injuries?

Posted April 30th, 2019 by .

Categories: Auto Accidents.

What does the word phantom mean to you? Does it conjure up thoughts of an immortal superhero? Or, of the clandestine character in a Broadway musical? In either case, you might be confused. How could a phantom vehicle possibly be liable for your injuries? For starters, it might help to understand the concept of a […]

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How Can You Possibly be Both a Plaintiff and a Defendant?

Posted January 31st, 2019 by .

Categories: Auto Accidents.

Legal lingo 101. In case you’re not sure, a plaintiff files a complaint against a defendant. These terms are used in civil law. When you sue someone because they caused an accident and you were injured, you are the plaintiff. Meanwhile, the person or business entity who harmed you is the defendant. So, how in […]

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Getting Into a Car Accident on the New Jersey Turnpike

Posted January 9th, 2019 by .

Categories: Auto Accidents.

Drivers dread it, avoid it, and sometimes plan their day around it. Yes, we are talking about the New Jersey Turnpike. The New Jersey Turnpike is one of the busiest toll roads in the entire country; it’s also one of the deadliest too. According to a report, the Turnpike is the second most deadliest roadway […]

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Rollover Accidents: Can It Happen to Me?

Posted December 7th, 2018 by .

Categories: Auto Accidents.

With the changing weather, car accidents are occurring more and more often. And one of the deadliest types of crashes is a rollover accident. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, nearly 35 percent of all passenger vehicle accidents were the result of a rollover. In 2010 alone, more than 7,600 people had died […]

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Top Mistakes Drivers Make After a Car Accident

Posted November 26th, 2018 by .

Categories: Auto Accidents.

When drivers are involved in a car accident, they can become extremely emotional. Accidents occur quickly and out of the blue, which can overwhelm the victim the moment it occurs. Tons of questions coming from other drivers, police officers, and emergency personnel can be too much to handle as well. Aside from being bogged down […]

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Could There Be a New Defense to Your DWI Case?

Posted November 15th, 2018 by .

Categories: Auto Accidents.

In a world increasingly controlled by machines and technology, one thing is certain. Human error or negligence can impact the effectiveness of equipment. In fact, you might be surprised. Such failures could actually prove advantageous to thousands charged with driving while intoxicated. How about you? Could there be a new defense to your DWI case? […]

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When Do You Need to See the Judge for a Friendly Hearing?

Posted November 13th, 2018 by .

Categories: Family Law.

That idea that any court hearing could be considered friendly might seem absolutely uncanny to you. Surely, there’s nothing particularly amicable about suing another individual or company. So, what in the world is a friendly hearing? Consider this situation. Your child is a passenger in a vehicle driven by a schoolmate’s parents.  It could be […]

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Have PTSD After a Car Accident? You May Have a Claim

Posted October 26th, 2018 by .

Categories: Auto Accidents.

You just got into a car accident. It wasn’t too serious, your car only sustained minor damage, and you weren’t injured. However, you notice that driving has become harder and harder. You have mini panic attacks when driving. You dream of the accident. You try to avoid driving at all costs. Sound familiar? Then you […]

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No Better Way to Describe It: You Were Hurt in a “Waving Accident”

Posted October 11th, 2018 by .

Categories: Auto Accidents.

On first glance, you might be a bit puzzled. Does a “waving accident” have something to do with hands making contact after a greeting? Absolutely not. Instead, it has everything to do with a motor vehicle operator waving on another driver – and adding to the cause of a car crash. Truth be told, the […]

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Making an Accident Claim for Passengers in a Limousine

Posted October 9th, 2018 by .

Categories: Auto Accidents.

While the country’s attention was focused on the appointment of a new Supreme Court Justice, something terrible happened. It was an accident that warranted a break-in to the national news. In neighboring New York State, twenty lives were lost as a result of a limo crash. Seventeen of the fatal accident victims were passengers in […]

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