Summertime Safety Tips, Part 10: Water is Your Friend on a Hot Day

Posted August 5th, 2016 by .

Categories: Personal Injury.

The Dog Days of Summer are upon us. You may have heard this phrase before. Between July 3 and August 11, Sirius, the dog star, rises at the same time as the sun. This period is usually marked by a lethargy because of the temperature. It’s true, the dog days are known as the sultriest part of the […]

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Summertime Safety Tips, Part 9: Be Careful Around the Construction Site

Posted July 29th, 2016 by .

Categories: Workers Compensation.

Not everyone can experience AC while at the office. Some people, like construction workers, have to work outside in the heat every single day. And although outside work during the summer requires a lot of sweating, there are more dangers on a construction site than experiencing heat stroke. According to the Occupational Safety and Health […]

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Summertime Safety Tips, Part 8: Think Safety When Going on a Trip

Posted July 22nd, 2016 by .

Categories: Personal Injury.

Summertime is usually the right time to take a vacation. In fact, according to the website Statistic Brain, 45 percent of Americans decided to take a summer vacation in 2015, a number that is sure to increase this summer thanks to lower gas prices. And the number one mode of transportation to take us on these […]

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Summertime Safety Tips, Part 7: Baby, It’s Hot Outside

Posted July 15th, 2016 by .

Categories: Personal Injury.

We’ve spent all spring wondering when the warm weather was going to arrive. Well, it’s here. With a vengeance. According to the weather forecast, this weekend is going to be hot. In fact, the temperatures are supposed to be in the high 80s-low 90s for the rest of July. Oh yeah, it’s finally summertime in North […]

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Summertime Safety Tips, Part 6: The Dos and Don’ts of Grilling

Posted July 8th, 2016 by .

Categories: Personal Injury.

There’s nothing like good barbecue. And now that it’s summertime, most of us are taking advantage of the good weather by using the grill. But be careful, that grill is more dangerous than you think. Did you know that every year, 7,000 Americans are injured and 8,900 homes are destroyed because of incorrect use of […]

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Summertime Safety Tips, Part 5: Have a Safe Holiday Weekend!

Posted July 1st, 2016 by .

Categories: Personal Injury.

We’re fortunate this year to have the Fourth of July land on Monday, which means a three-day weekend for many of us. With nice weather and hot temperatures expected this weekend, chances are you have some great plans in store for you and you family. Whether you’re planning go on a road trip, do some barbecuing with […]

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Fatal Pedestrian Accidents Are on the Rise This Time of the Year

Posted June 27th, 2016 by .

Categories: Personal Injury.

If you take notice of the news the last couple of weeks, you may have seen an increase of pedestrians getting injured or even dying as a result of being struck by cars. Just this weekend, a young man who was crossing at an intersection in Hoboken was fatally struck by a hit-and-run driver. This […]

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Summertime Safety Tips, Part 4: Watch Out for That Roller Coaster!

Posted June 24th, 2016 by .

Categories: Personal Injury.

It’s officially summertime. With kids out of school and the days finally becoming longer and warmer, you’re probably plotting out a family vacation. Maybe you’re planning to take a cross country trip to see family members. Or maybe you’re planning on going somewhere closer to home, like visiting a local amusement park. But be careful, […]

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Summertime Safety Tips, Part 3: Being a Responsible Host

Posted June 17th, 2016 by .

Categories: Personal Injury.

Nothing says summer like a backyard barbecue, right? Just you and your family and friends, enjoying the nice weather and chilling with some dogs and some beers. One of your friends had a little too much to drink. Being a responsible host, you take away the car keys and suggest he spends the night. But […]

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Summertime Safety Tips, Part 2: Be Sure to Practice Pool Safety

Posted June 10th, 2016 by .

Categories: Personal Injury.

There’s nothing like relaxing by the pool on a hot, summertime day. Enjoying the sunshine, reading a good book, and when you get sweaty, all you have to do is go for a dip. But watch out, there’s some dangers lurking at poolside. One of the top dangers in any swimming pool is too much exposure […]

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