Is the Insurance Company Watching You?
Posted August 13th, 2015 by Anthony Carbone, PC.
Categories: Legal Topics.
You may think you are paranoid or living the lyrics of that pop song that proclaims “Somebody’s watching me.” Your gut reaction may actually be a good one. Is the insurance company watching you? If you are making a personal injury claim, there is a strong possibility that this is the case. Why do Insurance Companies […]
Read MoreGov. Christie vetoes another gun control bill
Posted August 12th, 2015 by Anthony Carbone, PC.
Categories: Legal Topics.
On Monday, New Jersey Governor and presidential candidate Chris Christie rejected a gun control bill that would have required those who were trying to erase their mental health records to notify state and local police before being able to purchase a firearm. The bill, which was supported by both parties in the state Legislature, had […]
Read MoreWhat happens if you flee the scene of an auto accident
Posted August 11th, 2015 by Anthony Carbone, PC.
Categories: Auto Accidents.
It may be your first instinct to flee the scene of an auto accident. It might be your license was suspended or you may have had a few drinks. Perhaps you forgot to renew your registration or automobile insurance. There are consequences for leaving the scene of an accident. If you have already taken the […]
Read MoreThe Deadly Realities of Truck Accidents
Posted August 10th, 2015 by Anthony Carbone, PC.
Categories: Auto Accidents.
Last week, a terrible accident involving a dump truck had tied up traffic for hours on the New Jersey Turnpike. According to police, the truck had struck and overpass, which ignited a fire, killing one person. Although people found interesting ways to keep busy while stuck in traffic, the accident did cause the turnpike to shut down […]
Read MoreWeekend Safety Tips, Part 10 – Watch Out for Pedestrians!
Posted August 7th, 2015 by Anthony Carbone, PC.
Categories: Personal Injury.
It’s going to be a nice weekend here in Jersey City and a lot of people will be out and about to take advantage of wonderful weather. But with a lot of people walking around on our city streets, the possibility of a pedestrian accident increases. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, pedestrian […]
Read MoreWhat types of claims are used in a water-related injury?
Posted August 6th, 2015 by Anthony Carbone, PC.
Categories: Personal Injury.
The sun is blaring and many seek relief by taking a dunk into a swimming pool or some other body of water. Unfortunately, water fun can represent a dangerous adventure. Often, water-related injury claims are quite serious. Some even involve fatal accidents. Accidental Drowning According to Center for Disease Control, children under the age of […]
Read MoreRecent Accident Reminds Us How Dangerous Escalators Can Be
Posted August 5th, 2015 by Anthony Carbone, PC.
Categories: Personal Injury.
Last week, a Chinese mother saved her young son before falling to her death inside an escalator. The video of the mother pushing her son out of the way only seconds before her death went viral on social media. According to officials, mall employees had seen a panel had come loose only minutes before the […]
Read MoreNew Jersey’s car seat law gets an update
Posted August 4th, 2015 by Anthony Carbone, PC.
Categories: Legal Topics.
A few months ago, we provided you with some information regarding child safety restraints. As New Jersey’s updated car seat law is about to go into effect, it is crucial to know the details. Child restraints are designed to protect young passengers. Failure to use them can result in serious injuries. Tickets may also be […]
Read MoreWhat to do when your spouse won’t sign divorce papers
Posted August 3rd, 2015 by Anthony Carbone, PC.
Categories: Family Law.
Divorce is never an easy thing, especially if you have children. There are so many things to consider such as the division of financial responsibilities, custody and support of the children, or any alimony. But what happens if the other party isn’t willing to sign the papers? For instance, let’s say you and your children […]
Read MoreWeekend Safety Tips, Part 9 – Be Careful Around That Pool!
Posted July 31st, 2015 by Anthony Carbone, PC.
Categories: Personal Injury.
August has arrived with a bang and it’s going to be a hot one this weekend! With temperatures reaching the 90s, you may be thinking of ways you and your family can stay cool this weekend. The easiest solution, other than staying in an air conditioned house for the weekend, is to head to the local […]
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