Going through a divorce? We can help!
Posted December 20th, 2013 by Anthony Carbone, PC.
Categories: Family Law.
This time of year can be depressing to some. And when you are going through a messy divorce, this can add more stress than you need. And there is nothing more difficult than trying to keep it together for your children and having to keep the schedules of the holidays at hand. You’re in pain and what’s […]
Read MoreI got a DUI…what happens next?
Posted December 19th, 2013 by Anthony Carbone, PC.
Categories: Criminal Defense.
There was no way you could have avoided it. You were caught driving under the influence. What now? As we explained before, New Jersey is pretty tough when it comes to DUIs, even if it is your first offense. This is what you can expect if you are convicted of a DUI: For a first conviction, […]
Read MoreGot Caught Shoplifting…Now What?
Posted December 19th, 2013 by Anthony Carbone, PC.
Categories: Criminal Defense.
You really like that blouse. It’s perfect, and after trying it on, it looks perfect on you. But the price is just a bit out of your price range. But hey, it’s the holiday season and the store is packed. Surely, no one is going to notice if you just slip out of the store […]
Read MoreDon’t let the evidence disappear
Posted December 18th, 2013 by Anthony Carbone, PC.
Categories: Workers Compensation.
After having a workplace accident, sometimes the last thing that pops into your mind is protecting the evidence. You are more worried about your health, about your future, about your family, and about your job. You don’t think about what happens after, how your employer’s insurance company denies your workers’ compensation benefits, or how your […]
Read MoreWhat happens when you go back to work
Posted December 18th, 2013 by Anthony Carbone, PC.
Categories: Workers Compensation.
You’ve been on workers’ compensation for a while now. The doctor says it’s ok for you to return to work, but you still need some time to heal. Your employer has been understanding so far but the busy season is coming and needs you now. What happens when you go back to work? Well, first […]
Read MoreTuesdays with Tony: What Is Reasonable Care?
Posted December 17th, 2013 by Anthony Carbone, PC.
Categories: Attorney Anthony Carbone, Slip and Falls.
Do you know what “reasonable care” is? Tony explains: What is “reasonable care?” The law says that the owner of commercial premises must use reasonable care to see to it that the condition of the abbuting sidewalk is reasonably safe and does not subject pedestrians to an unreasonable risk of harm. The concept of reasonable […]
Read MoreTuesdays with Tony: Education on slip and fall accidents
Posted December 17th, 2013 by Anthony Carbone, PC.
Categories: Attorney Anthony Carbone, Slip and Falls.
With the snow and ice becoming a more frequent sight nowadays, Tony wants you fully informed when it comes to slip and fall accidents: The owner (occupant) of residential premises abutting a public sidewalk is not required to keep the sidewalk free from the natural accumulation of ice and snow. Liability is imposed if in […]
Read MoreWhat falls under the personal injury law?
Posted December 16th, 2013 by Anthony Carbone, PC.
Categories: Personal Injury.
We’ve talked a lot about personal injury cases, such as slip and fall accidents. But what exactly falls under the personal injury law? First, a few basics about personal injury. Personal injury law, also known as tort law, gives an injured party a chance to go to civil court in an attempt to recover damages from […]
Read MoreYou can be responsible for a slip and fall accident
Posted December 16th, 2013 by Anthony Carbone, PC.
Categories: Slip and Falls.
How about that snow this weekend? Dangerous, isn’t it? Slip and fall accidents are more common now that winter is right around the corner. In past blogs, we have discussed who may be responsible for the accident. But before pursuing a slip and fall case, there is some information you should know. In New Jersey, […]
Read MoreWhat’s cheaper: divorce or separation?
Posted December 13th, 2013 by Anthony Carbone, PC.
Categories: Family Law.
Ending a marriage can be an extremely expensive process. There are lawyer fees, court fees, plus any alimony or child support you will have to pay. So is it really financially worth it? Wouldn’t it be cheaper to just get legally separated? First, you should know that according to New Jersey law, there is no […]
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