Football Fans: Stay Safe by Spotting Reckless Driving

Posted January 18th, 2014 by .

Categories: Auto Accidents.

Super Bowl XLVIII is forecast to bring as many as 400,000 visitors to the New Jersey/New York area this week. In addition to a predicted $550 million in tourist revenue, expect traffic in the areas around MetLife Stadium to become congested, increasing the risk of a collision. If you sustain serious injuries in a crash caused by a careless driver, Newark car accident lawyer Anthony Carbone can help you build an effective claim against the responsible party.

Whether you’re driving in game day traffic or just running errands, staying alert and maintaining a safe distance between other vehicles are key steps to avoiding an accident, especially with a greater number of cars on the road. Unfortunately, not every driver will exercise the same caution you do, especially when dealing with the gridlock that attends a major event.

By practicing defensive driving, it’s still possible to avoid a car accident, especially if a nearby driver is exhibiting visible signs of recklessness like:

  • Speeding
  • Tailgating
  • Ignoring road signs
  • Changing lanes aggressively or without using turn signals
  • Distracted driving, such as paying more attention to a cell phone or passengers than traffic and road conditions

The revelry accompanying major sporting events can also lead to a spike in alcohol consumption, which can cause extremely reckless behavior on the road. Being vigilant behind the wheel, especially when you spot signs like the ones above, can help you avoid a car accident during Super Bowl week or any other time of year.

If you or someone you care about has been injured in a car accident, please contact the Law Offices of Anthony Carbone or call 201-963-6000 today to schedule your initial consultation. Mr. Carbone is proud to represent clients in the Newark, Jersey City and Elizabeth areas of New Jersey.

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