What Exactly is Double Jeopardy?
Posted March 20th, 2018 by Anthony Carbone, PC.
Categories: Criminal Defense.
Just about everyone has heard the term “double jeopardy.” However, what does it really mean? Is it something that moves past tabloids and out of real-life courtrooms? Absolutely. In fact, one of the most critical protections provided by the Constitution is the guarantee that you can never be “subject for the same offense to be […]
Read MoreThe Laws That Protect Those from Self-Driving Cars
Posted March 19th, 2018 by Anthony Carbone, PC.
Categories: Auto Accidents.
The future does not slow down for anyone and anything, especially when it comes to automobile and transportation technology. Self-driving vehicles are on the cusp of becoming a mainstay of our everyday lives. Currently, thirty-three states have passed legislation regarding these types of vehicles. New Jersey is not currently among them. However, a bill to […]
Read MoreCan The Court Order Your Dog Be Put Down in New Jersey?
Posted March 16th, 2018 by Anthony Carbone, PC.
Categories: Legal Topics.
You are living your worst nightmare. Your dog bit someone, and you are worried. It’s not just the civil suit. There’s a chance that the court will order that your dog be put down. Meanwhile, like most dog owners, your animal is a family member. You can’t bear the thought of losing your best friend. […]
Read MoreReport Says Logging Is One of the Most Dangerous Jobs
Posted March 15th, 2018 by Anthony Carbone, PC.
Categories: Workers Compensation.
According to a recent article in the USA Today about a 2016 study done by 24/7 Wall St., working in the logging industry is the most dangerous job in America. We aren’t going to disagree. Logging is a demanding job that occurs in remote locations where medical aid is hard to come by. In Layman’s […]
Read MoreIs Shoplifting That Big of a Deal?
Posted March 14th, 2018 by Anthony Carbone, PC.
Categories: Criminal Defense.
Sometimes while you are shopping, you might see something you really want but can’t necessarily afford. Although you may just pout and save up for the item for a future time, some people would just slide that item into their jacket. That is considered shoplifting. Most people who have done this don’t find it to be […]
Read MoreDomestic Violence: How are Your Children Affected?
Posted March 13th, 2018 by Anthony Carbone, PC.
Categories: Domestic Violence.
It’s a story swept under the carpet more than it should. Mom and Dad have a contentious relationship. It doesn’t necessarily rise to the level of physical violence. However, their children are continually exposed to some form of domestic violence. How is it affecting them? In some cases, the age of the children matters. For […]
Read MoreSaint Patrick’s Day Festivities Can Lead to Slip and Fall Incidents
Posted March 12th, 2018 by Anthony Carbone, PC.
Categories: Slip and Falls.
Many New Jersey residents have partaken or plan on partaking in festivities involving Saint Patrick’s Day in the coming days. While these celebrations can be mostly a good time with family and friends, things can go south quickly and literally, especially because of winter weather. We are talking about the potential for slip and fall […]
Read MoreThat Snow You Forgot to Clean Off Your Car Can Be Deadly!
Posted March 9th, 2018 by Anthony Carbone, PC.
Categories: Auto Accidents.
It can be a hassle to clean off all of the snow from your vehicle after an accumulating snowfall, especially when life gets in the way. Whether it is going to work or just pure laziness, people don’t like to clean off their cars sometimes. And that’s alright until the excess snow or ice on […]
Read MoreWhen Your On the Job Injury is Weather Related: What Now?
Posted March 8th, 2018 by Anthony Carbone, PC.
Categories: Workers Compensation.
There’s no doubt that many will remember the latest storm. At first, it seemed as though forecasters had missed the mark once again. By the end of the day, the combination of thunder, lightning, and snow seemed surreal. With certainty, this particular Nor’easter of “thundersnow” caused a number of weather-related on the job injuries. Most […]
Read MoreNot Another Winter Storm! Car Accidents in the Snow
Posted March 7th, 2018 by Anthony Carbone, PC.
Categories: Auto Accidents.
It’s March. Winter should be on it’s a way out, right? Well, that simply hasn’t been the case. New Jersey has endured some of the season’s worst weather as we welcomed March in with inches upon inches of snow and damaging winds. What’s worse is that it’s been snowing all day. And, maybe even more […]
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