When It’s Absolutely Obvious What Caused Your Fall-Down Accident
Posted January 9th, 2018 by Anthony Carbone, PC.
Categories: Personal Injury.
As far as you’re concerned, someone needs to pay. It might not exactly sound like the politically correct way of approaching a personal injury claim. However, you are outraged. It’s absolutely obvious what caused your fall-down accident. There is no reason you should be laid up with a broken hip. If these words ring true […]
Read MoreWho’s Liable for Your Food Poisoning?
Posted January 8th, 2018 by Anthony Carbone, PC.
Categories: Personal Injury.
Food poisoning is a gut-wrenching experience in more ways than one. Anyone who has had to endure its unpleasantness knows what we are talking about. In fact, the majority of people experience food poisoning at least once in their lifetime. While it can be a fairly common occurrence, legal action could be taken in some […]
Read MoreFalling Snow and Ice: Who’s Responsible?
Posted January 5th, 2018 by Anthony Carbone, PC.
Categories: Premises Liability.
As our area digs out from Winter Storm Grayson or the ‘bomb cyclone’, it’s time to get back to everyday life. But let’s imagine that you are heading to work or going to a store, and you notice the sidewalk you usually walk on is extremely icy. In fact, everything you see is caked in […]
Read MoreThis New Case on Domestic Violence May Really Interest You
Posted January 4th, 2018 by Anthony Carbone, PC.
Categories: Domestic Violence.
Unfortunately, domestic violence hits the headlines every day. In fact, each and every minute of the day, approximately 20 people are victims of physical abuse by an intimate partner. A great number will apply for restraining orders. However, that does not mean they will all secure them. First and foremost, you should be aware that […]
Read MoreNew Year, New Laws
Posted January 3rd, 2018 by Anthony Carbone, PC.
Categories: Legal Topics.
At the beginning of each year, change is always on the horizon. As is evident in the phrase “new year, new me.” In New Jersey, the beginning of the new year means new laws or changes to existing laws that govern the Garden State. Tax changes set forth by Governor Chris Christie are among the […]
Read MoreVictim Blaming in Slip and Fall Accidents: What You Should Know
Posted January 2nd, 2018 by Anthony Carbone, PC.
Categories: Slip and Falls.
It might seem somewhat shocking to you. Clearly, there was a defect in the sidewalk where you fell. However, it appears that the insurance company feels you share in the blame for your slip and fall accident. You find their contention to be outrageous and downright insulting. So, what should you do? One of the […]
Read MoreWhat to Do When You Get in a Car Accident With a Drunk Driver
Posted December 29th, 2017 by Anthony Carbone, PC.
Categories: Auto Accidents.
In our last blog, we stressed the importance of not drinking and driving over the New Year’s weekend. But what does happen if you get into a drunk driving accident…but you’re the sober one? For example, let’s say you are the designated driver for the evening. You haven’t had a drop to drink all night. […]
Read MoreBe Safe This New Year’s Eve in Jersey City, NJ. Do Not Drink and Drive!
Posted December 28th, 2017 by Anthony Carbone, PC.
Categories: Auto Accidents.
The holiday season is finally coming to an end. As we bid our farewell to 2017, many of us have plans to go out and celebrate the beginning of the new year. With all the celebrations come high levels of alcohol consumption, and that means there’s going be an increase in drunk driving incidents. According […]
Read MoreWhat You Need to Prove Your Slip and Fall Accident
Posted December 27th, 2017 by Anthony Carbone, PC.
Categories: Slip and Falls.
One of the most dangerous things about this time of the year is the weather and what the weather can do to you. In many instances, bad weather conditions can cause you to slip and fall or trip and fall, leaving you injured or hurt. In fact, there are many conditions that could lead to […]
Read MoreHurt While at the Supermarket? Was Your Accident Preventable?
Posted December 26th, 2017 by Anthony Carbone, PC.
Categories: Slip and Falls.
You just ran into the local supermarket to pick up a few things. As you’re walking down the aisle, a box falls off from one of the top shelves. At least that’s what you’re told. Apparently, you were knocked out when the box hit you in the head. You don’t really remember anything. And, now […]
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