Question for Attorney Carbone: I Was Arrested for DUI Though I Wasn’t Driving. Is That Legal?
Posted July 31st, 2017 by Anthony Carbone, PC.
Categories: Criminal Defense.
Question: After a few drinks, I decided to sit in my car for a while and sober up before driving home. I was taking a nap when I heard a tap on the window. It was a police officer who told me to get out of the car. He smelt alcohol on my breath and […]
Read MoreWhat Penalties are You Facing for Impersonation?
Posted July 28th, 2017 by Anthony Carbone, PC.
Categories: Criminal Defense.
Identity theft is a major problem in this country. You hear it on the news all the time of another person losing thousands of dollars because someone stole their identity. But what kind of punishment are you facing if you are charged with the crime of impersonation? What is Impersonation? According to state statute N.J.S.A. […]
Read MoreWhy Were My Criminal Charges Dropped?
Posted July 19th, 2017 by Anthony Carbone, PC.
Categories: Criminal Defense.
Jessica was caught red handed trespassing on someone’s property. She had tried to explain that she was unaware it was private property, but the police arrested her and put her in jail. She found a criminal defense lawyer and was preparing her defense when she learned the prosecutor had dropped the criminal charges. She was […]
Read MoreQuestion for Attorney Carbone: Am I Committing Insurance Fraud?
Posted July 10th, 2017 by Anthony Carbone, PC.
Categories: Criminal Defense.
Question: I got into a car accident a few months ago. I was injured and had to miss time at work. I was told by a friend that to recoup that money, I should state on the insurance claim that my injuries were more severe than the really were. Is this legal? If I do […]
Read MoreWhen Road Rage Becomes a Criminal Offense
Posted July 3rd, 2017 by Anthony Carbone, PC.
Categories: Criminal Defense.
A tragic case of road rage made the national news over the weekend. By now, you’ve probably heard about the shooting of a high school graduate in Pennsylvania. According to witness reports, the teen’s car and a red pickup truck were playing a game of “cat-and-mouse” on the roadway. The truck driver then allegedly shot the […]
Read MoreWhat is Criminal Restitution? What Happens if You Don’t Pay?
Posted June 16th, 2017 by Anthony Carbone, PC.
Categories: Criminal Defense.
Let’s say you were accused of breaking a store window. You were charged and found guilty. As the judge hands down the sentence, he orders that criminal restitution must be made to the store orders. But, what does that mean? And what can happen if you fail to pay? What is Restitution? Restitution is when […]
Read MoreQuestion for Attorney Carbone: Can I Fight a False DUI Charge?
Posted June 12th, 2017 by Anthony Carbone, PC.
Categories: Criminal Defense.
Question: A few weeks ago, a few co-workers and I went to a happy hour to celebrate a colleague’s promotion. Since I had to drive home, I only had one beer and didn’t even finish it. While driving home, I had swerved to miss a squirrel running across the road. The police stopped me, thinking I […]
Read MoreDefense Against Domestic Violence Charges: What You Need to Know
Posted May 31st, 2017 by Anthony Carbone, PC.
Categories: Criminal Defense.
Domestic violence is a serious problem in our country. In New Jersey alone, 24.3 percent of women and 13.8 percent of men have been victims of severe physical violence by an intimate partner within their lifetime. That means a domestic violence act happens every 7.29 minutes in New Jersey. However, this does not mean every […]
Read MoreQuestion for Attorney Carbone: My Teen Was Arrested for DUI. What Will Happen to Her?
Posted May 22nd, 2017 by Anthony Carbone, PC.
Categories: Criminal Defense.
Question: Our 16-year-old daughter had gone to a friend’s house for a small party. We didn’t realize it before she left, but there was alcohol at the party. Around midnight, our teen left the party and drove home. She reached a DUI checkpoint on the way home and she had to do a field sobriety test. […]
Read MoreWhat’s the Difference Between Probation and Parole?
Posted May 17th, 2017 by Anthony Carbone, PC.
Categories: Criminal Defense.
You may have heard of these words but may not know what they mean. What is the difference between probation and parole? Are they the same thing? Let’s take a look at each, starting with probation. Probation Probation is when a defendant is found guilty of a crime, the judge orders that your actions are supervised by […]
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