Why you should consult an attorney for a slip and fall accident

Posted July 17th, 2014 by .

Categories: Personal Injury, Premises Liability, Slip and Falls.

It is a fact. Every commercial business bears responsibility for keeping its premises safe. This can include ensuring the floors are free from debris and slippery substances. It might also mean that the business has the duty to keep pathways and sidewalks clear. Damages are ultimately recoverable from anyone who is deemed neglectful of keeping […]

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Who is at fault for a slip and fall accident in a nursing home?

Posted July 9th, 2014 by .

Categories: Personal Injury, Slip and Falls.

We all know what happens when we get older. Lack of energy, joints begin to ache, memory fades. What also happens is a lack of coordination. When day you’re walking down a flight of stairs without a problem and then next day you keep tripping on your own two feet. According to the Centers for […]

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Slip and fall accidents can happen any time

Posted June 16th, 2014 by .

Categories: Personal Injury, Slip and Falls.

When we think of slip and fall injuries, we generally think of icy and snowy weather. And it’s true, the majority of these accidents do happen in the wintertime. But just because the weather has become nicer doesn’t mean that slip and fall accidents stop happening. Anything can cause the accident, whether it’s slippery stairs […]

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Slipping and falling on black ice can be costly

Posted March 11th, 2014 by .

Categories: Personal Injury, Slip and Falls.

A Jersey City woman was injured last month when she slipped and fell on black ice. The woman was taking her garbage out when she slipped on the black ice in front of her building. According to the woman, the condition of the property appeared clean and she did not notice any black ice while […]

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How to win a slip and fall case

Posted February 17th, 2014 by .

Categories: Personal Injury, Premises Liability, Slip and Falls.

You would think a slip and fall case would be rather simple to prove. You slipped, fell and injured yourself. Obviously it was the property owner’s fall because it was their negligence that caused the accident. But you do have to prove that their negligence caused your slip and fall accident and you didn’t just […]

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Is my friend responsible for my slip and fall injury?

Posted February 13th, 2014 by .

Categories: Personal Injury, Slip and Falls.

You are visiting your friend at her apartment complex on a snowy day, much like today. You hunker down, waiting for the weather to clear up. Once it does, you decide it’s time to go. You say goodbye, step out on her stairs. Your foot hits a patch of ice, causing you to slip and […]

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The store says my slip and fall accident is my fault. What do I do?

Posted February 10th, 2014 by .

Categories: Personal Injury, Premises Liability, Slip and Falls.

You’re shopping at your local department store. While browsing through the racks, your toe catches a good-sized hole in the carpet. You trip, fall, and injury your arm. You are taken to the hospital. After you are released, you call the store’s owner to let him know you will be sending them your medical bills. […]

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What damages will I receive after a slip and fall?

Posted February 6th, 2014 by .

Categories: Personal Injury, Slip and Falls.

The first question that we answer from a perspective client in a slip and fall case is about the medical bills.  No one plans on getting injured from a slip and fall.  Regrettably, these things happen. So, who does pay the medical bills incurred when a slip and fall results in injury?  Typically, there are […]

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Be careful of slipping and falling in a store in Jersey City, NJ

Posted February 5th, 2014 by .

Categories: Personal Injury, Premises Liability, Slip and Falls.

Slip, trip and falls, as a result of wet floors, or improperly maintained floor mats or rugs can result in serious injury to a patron entering a store. Likewise, the slip, trip and fall can occur to a patron who has yet to enter the store.  Many slip, trip and fall accidents occur in the parking […]

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Are you or the weather to blame for a slip and fall case?

Posted February 5th, 2014 by .

Categories: Personal Injury, Premises Liability, Slip and Falls.

Be careful with the bad weather today! It seems like every week we have another bad storm hitting New Jersey. And we all know that this is the perfect weather for accidents, no matter how well you try to prevent them. So what happens if your neighbor comes to check up on you, only to […]

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