Not Another Winter Storm! Car Accidents in the Snow

Posted March 7th, 2018 by .

Categories: Auto Accidents.

It’s March. Winter should be on it’s a way out, right? Well, that simply hasn’t been the case. New Jersey has endured some of the season’s worst weather as we welcomed March in with inches upon inches of snow and damaging winds. What’s worse is that it’s been snowing all day. And, maybe even more […]

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Another Bomb Cyclone in Jersey City, NJ! Don’t Slip, Fall, and Get Blown Away

Posted March 2nd, 2018 by .

Categories: Slip and Falls.

Our area is in the midst of the season’s second bomb cyclone, a term made popular when the Northeast was inundated with heavy snow from an intense winter storm in early January. This storm has brought inches upon inches of snow and rain, along with coastal and inland flooding, not to mention near-hurricane force winds. […]

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A Plow Truck Hit My Parked Car in Jersey City, NJ!

Posted January 29th, 2018 by .

Categories: Auto Accidents.

In New Jersey, we are in the thick of winter. The weather conditions can change rather suddenly, and sometimes unexpected things can occur. Here’s an unfortunate scenario that could unfold: One night during a snowstorm, you hear a loud booming sound coming from outside near the direction of where your car is parked on the […]

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When a Non-Resident Slips and Falls at an Apartment Building

Posted January 19th, 2018 by .

Categories: Slip and Falls.

As we’ve mentioned in posts in the past, all property owners have the responsibility to keep their property clear of any dangers that might accidentally harm someone. We should be keeping our properties clear so we can be safe in our own homes as well as keeping anyone safe who stops in for a visit. […]

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Hurt While at the Supermarket? Was Your Accident Preventable?

Posted December 26th, 2017 by .

Categories: Slip and Falls.

You just ran into the local supermarket to pick up a few things. As you’re walking down the aisle, a box falls off from one of the top shelves. At least that’s what you’re told. Apparently, you were knocked out when the box hit you in the head. You don’t really remember anything. And, now […]

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Did You Suffer a Fall Injury During This Weekend’s Snow?

Posted December 11th, 2017 by .

Categories: Slip and Falls.

With some parts of New Jersey recording more than six inches of snow this past weekend and more snow in the forecast for the upcoming week, it’s a good time to discuss what you should do if you suffer “slip and fall” or “trip and fall” injury because of the inclement weather. As we have […]

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What You Need to Know about Weather-Related Car Accidents

Posted March 14th, 2017 by .

Categories: Auto Accidents.

Winter Storm Stella is hammering New Jersey with a lethal combination of blustery winds, snow, sleet and rain. Schools are closed, and the Governor has declared a state of emergency. Nonetheless, some will venture out onto the roadways. They risk the chance of weather-related car accidents. First off, what does a “state of emergency” really […]

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The Mode of Operation Rule and Snowy Weather

Posted March 10th, 2017 by .

Categories: Slip and Falls.

Wait, isn’t winter over? It felt like it was over. It looks like Mother Nature has decided to give us one last snowfall before spring officially arrives. And with North Jersey experiencing snow and rainfall today, it’s the perfect combination of events for slip and fall accidents. We’ve spent a lot of time discussing what […]

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Don’t be Fooled, You Can Still Slip and Fall in Warm Weather

Posted February 24th, 2017 by .

Categories: Slip and Falls.

Mother Nature, you tease. Our area has been having a heat wave of sorts. Temperatures have been holding steady in the 60s and everyone is feeling spring fever. Although we’re supposed to drop back to winter temperatures in the next couple of weeks, there is light at the end of the tunnel. Spring is almost […]

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Slip and Fall in Snowy Weather: What You Should Do

Posted February 9th, 2017 by .

Categories: Slip and Falls.

Our first major snowstorm of 2017 is here. New Jersey is expected to get slammed with a lot of snow, especially here in Jersey City. According to the weather forecast, we may get as much as a foot of snow by the end of the day. Yikes! Snow always make traveling difficult. Even just walking […]

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