Don’t be Fooled, You Can Still Slip and Fall in Warm Weather

Posted February 24th, 2017 by .

Categories: Slip and Falls.

slip and falls in warm weather law offices of anthony carboneMother Nature, you tease. Our area has been having a heat wave of sorts. Temperatures have been holding steady in the 60s and everyone is feeling spring fever. Although we’re supposed to drop back to winter temperatures in the next couple of weeks, there is light at the end of the tunnel. Spring is almost here.

Many think that warmer weather the risk of slip and falls decrease since there are no more slippery conditions. No ice, no snow, no accidents, right? But that’s just not the case. In fact, slip and falls in warm weather can be just as dangerous as wintertime accidents. In fact, not only do slip and falls in warm weather happen but can be more frequent than in the winter. Here are a few reasons why:

  • Spring thaw: With higher temperatures and longer days, any piles of snow that are still hanging around will begin to melt. These melting piles can cause a runoff that can freeze overnight when temperatures turn colder. That causes icy conditions in the morning, a recipe for accidents.
  • Shady areas: Although it may be warmer, those areas that are shaded from the sun can still be rather chilly and prevent snow and ice from melting. These can cause black ice conditions. So you may be walking through the shade, thinking it’s wet pavement until you still slipping.
  • Damaged streets and sidewalks: As the temperature begins to climb, the material used in sidewalks will expand. This can cause damage to the sidewalk, damage that you might not see as your foot catches in a crack.
  • Rainy days: We all know the old rhyme — April showers brings May flowers. Although April is still a few months away, rainy days can be normal in the spring. And with temperatures still dropping down to freezing temps can cause icy conditions, even during the day.

When a slip and fall accident does occur on a commercial property in New Jersey, it’s important to know what your next steps should be. Make sure you get medical attention, keep a record of what occurred, and then contact the Law Offices of Anthony Carbone to see what your legal options are.

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