Has Your Employer Intentionally Harmed You?
Posted August 27th, 2015 by Anthony Carbone, PC.
Categories: Workers Compensation.
If you have suspicions that your employer has intentionally harmed you, you may feel you have a clear cut case against them. While most work-related injuries are venued in workers’ compensation court, a select few can seek the direction of a higher court. How difficult is it to pursue a claim for intentional harm? Pursing […]
Read MoreAshley Madison: 2015’s Reason for a Divorce
Posted August 26th, 2015 by Anthony Carbone, PC.
Categories: Family Law.
Things went from bad to worse recently for users of the online cheating website Ashley Madison. Over the weekend, hackers published the names, credit card info and addresses of 32 million users of website, causing havoc across the Internet. Already there have been suicides linked to the hacker attack and one reality star is having […]
Read MoreWhat exactly is summary judgement?
Posted August 25th, 2015 by Anthony Carbone, PC.
Categories: Legal Topics.
Some legal terms have made it into mainstream vocabulary. This does not mean that everyone understands the lingo. For example, what exactly is summary judgment? How could it apply to your personal injury case? Summary Judgment Defined In New Jersey, RULE 4:46 sets forth summary judgment requirements. Summary judgment means that the matter involves undisputed […]
Read MoreDocumentation is essential in a personal injury case
Posted August 24th, 2015 by Anthony Carbone, PC.
Categories: Personal Injury.
It’s probably not in your thoughts after an accident, but documenting everything that happened in your personal injury accident is essential for winning your case. As we all know, as time progresses, the mind tends to forget the little details and sometimes it’s those details that can make or break your case. By writing down […]
Read MoreWeekend Safety Tips, Part 12: Tip-Over Furniture Accidents are on the Rise
Posted August 21st, 2015 by Anthony Carbone, PC.
Categories: Personal Injury.
You probably didn’t realize how much of a problem tip-over furniture accidents are. But in recent years, tip-over accidents have been steadily on the rise. Many of these accidents involve the placement of the television set – in fact, according to the Consumer Product Safety Commission, between 2011 and 2013 41 percent of emergency-treated injuries […]
Read MoreFive helpful tips for your personal injury claim
Posted August 20th, 2015 by Anthony Carbone, PC.
Categories: Personal Injury.
Have you been injured due to another party’s negligence? Were you hurt at work? Perhaps it seems enough to seek legal counsel and leave the rest to your lawyers. In reality, you play a role in the pursuit of damages and compensation for your injuries. Learn from these five helpful tips for your personal injury claim. […]
Read MoreNew Jersey taking steps to crack down on domestic violence
Posted August 19th, 2015 by Anthony Carbone, PC.
Categories: Domestic Violence.
New Jersey is cracking down on domestic violence offenders. Recently, NJ Gov. Chris Christie had signed a bill that requires anyone charged with domestic violence to enter a guilty plea before entering into any pretrial intervention programs intended to cut down on jail time. In addition, the bill allows the courts to hand out prison […]
Read MoreThe value of a defensive driving course
Posted August 18th, 2015 by Anthony Carbone, PC.
Categories: Auto Accidents.
What is the value of a defensive driving course? Although some of our clients are court-ordered to take defensive driving courses, others wonder if it is an important consideration. After all, other motor vehicle operators cannot be expected to pay attention and follow the law. A motor vehicle is a mighty weapon and defensive driving […]
Read MoreDon’t Stay Together for the Kids. Get the Divorce.
Posted August 17th, 2015 by Anthony Carbone, PC.
Categories: Family Law.
You and your spouse has been fighting nonstop for the past few months and the situation doesn’t seem to be getting any better. Divorce has been brought up. However, you have two small children and the thought of breaking the news to them hurts your heart. You and your spouse decide to stick it out […]
Read MoreWeekend safety tips, part 11: Be prepared for a slip and fall accident
Posted August 14th, 2015 by Anthony Carbone, PC.
Categories: Personal Injury, Slip and Falls.
If you are a regular reader of this blog, you’re probably saying to yourself, “Hey it’s summer. It’s not time for slip and fall accident blogs.” Well, that is true. Most slip and fall accidents do take place in the winter months but that doesn’t mean it can’t happen in the summer. Instead of an […]
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