Summertime Safety Tips, Part 11: The 100 Deadliest Days are Upon Us

Posted August 12th, 2016 by .

Categories: Auto Accidents.

teen driver safety anthony carboneSummertime is not the only time when families are on the roads. In fact, more teen drivers are on the road at this time of the year than at any other time. That’s why the time between Memorial Day and Labor Day is known as the 100 deadliest days for teen drivers.

According to the AAA, from 2010 to 2014, more than 5,000 people have died in crashes that involved teen drivers during these summer months. AAA also found that in the last five years, the average number of drivers ages 16-19 increased by 16 percent per day during the 100 deadliest days, compared to other days of the year. And what’s scarier is a recent study by the Foundation of Traffic Safety has found that nearly 60 percent of teen crashes involve a distracted driver.

Why the summertime? Well, teens are out of school and are driving more during this time. And these rides are not necessarily purposeful – instead, they’re for recreational purposes such as going to the beach. And if that’s the case, then they can be driving down an unfamiliar road with a group of friends who are more interested in distracting the driver than getting to the destination.

We all want to keep our kids safe on the roads. So here’s a few things you as a parent can do to make sure your teen arrives at his/her destination safely:

  • Make sure they turn their cell phones off and don’t text while on the road. This is the number one distraction for teens. Not only does it impact driving, but teens will face a harsher punishment.
  • Obey the speed limit. Speeding is a major contributor to fatal accidents involving teen drivers. Make sure your teen isn’t pressured into driving past the speed limit. He/she will still arrive at the destination by going the speed limit.
  • Minimize all distractions. Change the radio station before leaving the driveway. Don’t stop for food on the way to your destination. And make sure you know where you’re going before turning on the engine.
  • Practice defensive driving. Teen drivers are not the only risky drivers out there. Make sure your teens know the rules of the road. Taking a defensive driving course will not only improve your teen’s driving skills but you may get a discount on the insurance.

If you or your teen gets into an auto accident and needs help working with the insurance company, we’re here for you. Contact the Law Offices of Anthony Carbone today for a free consultation.


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