Be Safe on the NJ Roads During Thanksgiving

Posted November 25th, 2015 by .

Categories: Auto Accidents.

safe driving this Thanksgiving anthony carboneHappy Thanksgiving, everyone! We hope you enjoy the holiday with the people you love, eating turkey and watching some great football games!

As we do every holiday, The Law Offices of Anthony Carbone would like to remind everyone that driving during the holidays can be a hassle. Although Thanksgiving may not be the most dangerous holiday on the roadways, it can be a pretty dangerous time. According to AAA, there will be 46.9 million American travelers taking to the roads during the Thanksgiving holiday travel period and the busiest day will be today. In fact, it’s probably smarter to travel on the holiday itself instead of the day before!

We want everyone to arrive to their loved ones safe and in one piece. So here’s a few driving tips to keep in mind before heading out this Thanksgiving weekend:

  • Watch out for the three “Ds” – distracted, drowsy, and drunk. You want to stay alert and pay attention to the road at all times. If the turkey is making you sleepy, get some coffee into your system or take a small nap before heading out. And skip the wine this time around.
  • The roads are going to be crowded so you may experience some road rage. Before flying off the handle, take a moment to breathe and calm down. It’s not worth it.
  • Kids driving you up the wall? Make sure you have plenty of distractions for them, such as books, video games, and movies. Especially if you’re going to be in the car for a long time.
  • Remember to buckle up! It’s your best defense against injury if you get into an accident.
  • And no matter what you think, going faster doesn’t mean you’re going to get there any quicker. Stay at a safe speed.

Have a wonderful holiday, everyone!


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