Why File for an At-Fault Divorce?

Posted March 8th, 2017 by .

Categories: Family Law.

You just can’t stand living with that man anymore. He’s making you crazy! Not only that, but you found out he’s been cheating on you for the past three months. You need to file for a divorce and now. But don’t you need a reason? Can cheating be considered enough reason for a divorce? When […]

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Who Does Parental Alienation Really Hurt?

Posted February 28th, 2017 by .

Categories: Family Law.

Would it surprise you to learn that parental alienation is actually considered a form of child abuse?  When one parent portrays the other as the “bad guy,” nothing good can come of it.  In the end, it’s almost always the children who get hurt. It can happen to anyone.  You may have imagined an easy […]

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Question for Attorney Carbone: I Want the House But He’s Not Leaving! Should I Go?

Posted February 20th, 2017 by .

Categories: Family Law.

Question: After 15 years of a rocky marriage, we decided to get a divorce. We had worked out the settlement agreement and are waiting for our day in court. According to the settlement, I’m the one who will keep the house. And although my soon-to-be ex-husband said he will leave, he has yet to move […]

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Will I Go to Jail for Not Paying Child Support Payments?

Posted February 17th, 2017 by .

Categories: Family Law.

The last few months have been hard on you. You lost your job and have yet to find a new one. Your unemployment check just barely pays for your rent and utilities. Your savings are rapidly being depleted. In an attempt to stay above water, you being missing payments. First, it’s your credit cards, then […]

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Question for Attorney Carbone: Can My Children Choose What Parent to Live With?

Posted January 30th, 2017 by .

Categories: Family Law.

Question: My wife and I have begun divorce proceedings. We’ve agreed on many sticking points; however, the issue we keep fighting over is custody of the children. My wife is not a very responsible person and she tends to neglect our children. I don’t think she should have custody, just visitation rights. My boys, ages […]

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Default Divorce: What Is It and How Can It Make Your Life Easier

Posted January 25th, 2017 by .

Categories: Family Law.

It’s January, also known as Divorce Month. As mentioned in previous blog posts, January is when the most divorce complaints are filed throughout the United States. Many questions why January is such a popular time to get divorced. Many divorce attorneys say that people actually made the decision in December but wanted to wait until […]

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What is the Guardianship Law?

Posted December 14th, 2016 by .

Categories: Family Law.

In a previous blog, we’ve discussed guardianship in relation to an elderly person. It is the legal relationship between a guardian and a person who is unable to take care of his/her own affairs. But what about a minor? Is it a different process? The first thing you need to know is you is guardianship […]

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My Abusive Husband Wants Child Custody. What Do I Do?

Posted December 7th, 2016 by .

Categories: Domestic Violence, Family Law.

You and your children finally escape from your abusive husband’s grasp. You apply for a restraining order and begin divorce proceedings against him. You assume that you will be granted sole custody of your children so you don’t worry too much about a custody battle. Until you find out that your soon-to-be ex wants child […]

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How Can My New Marriage Affect My Divorce Agreement?

Posted November 30th, 2016 by .

Categories: Family Law.

You know that you finally met the man of your dreams. You can’t wait to spend the rest of your life with him. And one day, he finally pops the question and you say yes. It’s an exciting time in your life…but, can this affect your divorce agreement? Not many think about their divorce when […]

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Can You Refuse Visitation if Child Support is Not Paid?

Posted November 14th, 2016 by .

Categories: Family Law.

You have joint custody of your daughter with your ex-husband, who pays you child support since he makes more money than you. He feels that he doesn’t need to pay you child support and for the past few months hasn’t given you any more. Though he still visits his daughter, you have not seen a single […]

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