Common Personal Injury Accidents

Posted September 18th, 2021 by .

Categories: Personal Injury.

Slip and Fall on the Stairs? You May Have a Lawsuit | The Law Offices of Anthony Carbone

Millions of people seek treatment for personal injuries every year? Even more shocking is that medical errors and accidental injuries are the third biggest cause of death globally. Millions of families are affected and some of them do not get any compensation. While there are plenty of personal injury accidents in Bayonne, some are more […]

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What Is A Personal Injury Attorney?

Posted September 17th, 2021 by .

Categories: Personal Injury.

Slip and Fall Incidents Can Lead to Blood Clots | The Law Offices of Anthony Carbone

A personal injury attorney is a professional who offers legal representation to people who get injured in an accident. The goal of a personal injury lawyer is to get compensation for the accident victim. The finances gained through a settlement can help with medical bills, lost wages, injuries suffered, and the pain and suffering one […]

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Suing a Company for Injury: How Can You Do It?

Posted September 16th, 2021 by .

Categories: Personal Injury.

Hudson County Slip and Fall Lawyer

If a business welcomes customers to its premises, it is legally responsible for their safety. If a customer is injured on their premises, they can file a personal injury case. Even the most careful businesses may fall victim to such cases.  If you are a customer visiting a business on its premises, you deserve to […]

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Types of Attorneys

Posted September 15th, 2021 by .

Categories: Personal Injury.

Who is Responsible for My Bar Fight-Related Injury? | The Law Offices of Anthony Carbone

When it comes to professional law and the legal industry, there are many different fields. Just like other engineers specialize in various fields, different attorneys also specialize in different fields of law. Lawyers come in many different types ranging from personal to public to corporate areas of practice. For anyone seeking legal counsel, you need […]

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Should I Get a Lawyer?

Posted September 14th, 2021 by .

Categories: Personal Injury.

Bayonne Car Accident Lawyer | The Law Offices of Anthony Carbone

If you sustain injuries due to a car accident, one of the first questions that will come to mind is whether you need the input of a personal injury lawyer. If you suffer any serious bodily harm, t is best that you work with a personal injury lawyer. Filing a personal injury case is complicated, […]

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Compensation for Back Injury in a Car Accident

Posted August 16th, 2021 by .

Categories: Personal Injury.

More Chance of Injuries as the Super Bowl Approaches? | the Law Offices of Anthony Carbone

A significant percentage of vehicle accidents take place at relatively high speeds. However, even speeds as low as ten miles per hour can result in considerable impact, which can cause some serious injuries because of the forces involved. This means that even the most minor car accidents can cause severe injuries such as back injuries. […]

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Top 5 Types of Personal Injuries

Posted August 15th, 2021 by .

Categories: Personal Injury.

Rollover Accidents: Can It Happen to Me? | The Law Offices of Anthony Carbone

You may have come across the term ‘personal injury’ multiple times. But what does it mean? In legal terms, a personal injury refers to any harm caused by something or someone. For most people, personal injuries only involve car accidents. While it is the most common, it is not the only type of personal injury. […]

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Dog Bite Statistics You Should Know

Posted August 14th, 2021 by .

Categories: Personal Injury.

dog bites: they're really bot as breed specific as you think | the law offices of anthony carbone

Dogs have long been known as a companion for man. With more than 89.7 million dogs owned by 60.2 million households across the United States, it is clear that they are an essential part of many families.  However, cases of mauling and bites from dogs are not new. They can result in severe injuries, some […]

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Claiming a Personal Injury After a Car Accident

Posted August 13th, 2021 by .

Categories: Personal Injury.

Can You Pursue a Claim if You're Hurt at a Health Club in New Jersey? | The Law Offices of Anthony Carbone

Have you been injured in an auto accident and want to file a personal injury claim? You may feel overwhelmed as you may not know what to expect. The legal process of filing a personal injury claim after a car accident comes with confusion and lots of complications. Insurance companies may also exploit your lack […]

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When to Hire an Attorney After a Car Accident

Posted August 11th, 2021 by .

Categories: Personal Injury.

preparing to meet a personal injury lawyer law offices of anthony carbone

One of the frequently asked questions is whether or not to use an attorney or represent yourself in a personal injury case. When should you hire one if you decide to work with a lawyer? The answer is that lawyers will increase your chances of success because they have years of experience dealing with similar […]

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