Do I Need to Hire an Attorney for My Child’s Criminal Case?

Posted May 23rd, 2016 by .

Categories: Criminal Defense, Family Law.

juvenile criminal defense attorney anthoy carboneIt’s a phone call no parent ever wants to get in the middle of the night. You wake up from a sound sleep and it’s the police on the other end of the phone. It’s about your son. He was just arrested for a minor drug offense. You quickly dress and head to the police station to get all the specifics. A court hearing has been scheduled. Your son plans to plead guilty and have the whole matter resolved. Now comes the question: Do I need a juvenile criminal defense attorney for my son, even if he plans on pleading guilty?

First, you should know that whenever you or your family has to deal with the court system, it’s always wise to have an attorney by your side. You may be concerned about the expense; but if your knowledge of the law is very limited to what you see on television or in the movies, then it’s best to have someone who knows the law.

The juvenile criminal system works a little differently than the adult system. There are certain protections that are built into the system to guard the minor. If your child’s charges are not that serious, you will be heading to Family Court. Even if your child plans to plead guilty to the charges, it’s best to have an attorney present to explain the complexities of the juvenile criminal system. How complex is the juvenile criminal system? Take a look at this flow chart and see for yourself.

If your child is facing charges, it’s always best to get the help that he/she needs. Contact the juvenile criminal defense attorney Anthony Carbone today for a free consultation.

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