Domestic abuse statistics in New Jersey

Posted December 5th, 2013 by .

Categories: Domestic Violence.

It’s a disturbing way of life for many, too many. Getting abused on daily basis by someone you love. You blame yourself for the abuse and fear for your safety, your family’s safe, and more importantly, your child’s safety. The sad part is this abuse is on the rise.

Here are some disturbing numbers from the New Jersey State Police’s 2011 Domestic Violence Offense Report:

  • More than 70,000 domestic violence offenses were reported in 2011, a 5 percent increase from the previous year. That’s a domestic abuse occurrence happening once ever 7 minutes in New Jersey.
  • Harassment was 44 percent of the cases reported while assaults made up 42 percent of the cases.
  • However, out of those offenses, 31 percent led to arrests, a 5 percent decrease
  • 18 percent of the domestic abuse cases were wives of the attackers, 3 percent were ex-wives, and 14 percent of the cases came from dating couples
  • The most frequent hours of abuse are between 8 p.m. and midnight and the most frequent day is Sunday
  • Children were either involved or present in 31 percent of the abuse cases

For a complete look at the report, click here.

A recent study has found that 51 percent of intimate partner homicide victims were foreign-born, while 45 percent were born in the United States. If you have been a victim of domestic abuse, do not hide and hope that it goes away. Help your family and yourself. Contact us today and let us help you.


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