Domestic Violence and How to Spot It in 2019

Posted January 2nd, 2019 by .

Categories: Domestic Violence.

Domestic Violence and How to Spot It in 2019Acts of domestic violence aren’t as obvious as you think. That’s because the abuse can affect a person emotionally and mentally as much as it could affect them physically. Being abused can leave a person scared and confused, and it may be hard for someone to see another’s actions or body language as a sign of domestic violence.

Victims of domestic violence typically don’t suffer from physical abuse first, and they may not even know they are being abused. The abuse can begin from something ever so slight, like an insult, and escalate from there. Before you know it, a domestic abuse victim may be trapped in their home by their spouse or partner.

Signs of Domestic Abuse

scared | anthony carbone law firmIf you believe someone is being abused, there are some things you need to be on the lookout for if you want your suspicions confirmed:

  • Whether your family member or friend is often being bullied, threatened, or controlled by their partner
  • Whether your family member or friend has their finances controlled by their partner
  • Whether your family member or friend has been cut off from seeing you and other family members or friends
  • Whether your family member or friend is showing signs of physical or sexual abuse

If you believe one of these situations is occurring and someone you know and care for is being abused, take action to make sure the victim doesn’t suffer any longer.

Men Who Are Abused

When your male family members or friends are victims of domestic violence, the signs of abuse are often very similar to the signs we’ve already mentioned. In many instances, male victims suffer from emotional or verbal abuse. There are also times when male victims are called out by their female abusers on social media.

What Should You Do?

expert | anthony carbone law firmIf you know someone being abused, you need to be there for him or her no matter what. Domestic violence is an unacceptable crime, especially in New Jersey. It can be very upsetting that someone is hurting a person you care about. Your first instinct may be to want to protect your friend or family member but intervening can be dangerous for both you and the victim. Don’t ignore it though. If you believe the person you care about is in immediate danger, contact the police immediately.

Contact the Law Offices of Anthony Carbone

The Law Offices of Anthony Carbone has been helping both female and male victims of domestic violence in New Jersey for thirty years. If you are being abused, it’s time to come forward. Contact our law firm to schedule your free and confidential consultation.

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