Don’t Drink and… Drone?

Posted December 13th, 2017 by .

Categories: Legal Topics.

droneDrones are probably one of the top gift options for your favorite tech junkie this holiday season. And, if you already own or know someone who owns a drone, you know how easy it is to have a few drinks, go out in the backyard, and let that drone rip through the air.

However, according to a news report, piloting a drone under the influence of alcohol might become illegal in the Garden State. In fact, members of the New Jersey Senate met last week to discuss the situation.

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) already has regulations regarding drunk droning, but New Jersey legislators want to strictly enforce their own rules to focus on public safety and possible criminal activities. In 2015, the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection placed rules to ban drones in state parks.

Potential offenses being talked about for operating a drone under the influence of alcohol include:

  • Disorderly persons offense
  • Six months in prison
  • $1,000 fine

Additionally, people who use a drone to hunt or endanger people/property would be subject to the same penalties. The same goes for drones used at correctional facilities, along with drones that interfere with emergency personnel.

Aside from the legality of the situation, using drones can be dangerous even without the consumption of alcohol. Across the globe, people have used drones to smuggle drugs, interfere with aviation, spy on people, crash into other’s property, and commit acts of terrorism.

As you can see, people use drones for all kinds of mischievous and illegal acts. Combine that intent or pure stupidity with the consumption of alcohol, and you can see why state legislators are considering harsh punishments for drunk droning.

While drones are one of the coolest things on the market, they carry multiple consequences if used with alcohol consumption. Whether it’s operating a drone or driving a motor vehicle, it’s not worth the risk.

If you’ve been affected by someone who has used a drone illegally, such as invading your privacy or endangering your safety, contact the experienced lawyers at the Law Offices of Anthony Carbone.


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