Everyone’s All Right For Fighting on New Year’s Eve

Posted December 30th, 2015 by .

Categories: Criminal Defense.

bar fight new year's eve anthony carboneEvery year, we say the same message: New Year’s Eve is considered one of the most dangerous holidays to celebrate. Many people are going to head to parties or bars to celebrate the coming of the new year. It’s one of the most dangerous times to be on the road – drunk driving accidents rate skyrocket during this time, especially with the holiday landing on a weekend this year.

Although you may take all the proper precautions in getting a ride home from the bar this year, you still may have to contend with the people inside the bar. As we all know all too well, heightened emotions mixed with alcohol can lead to a power keg situation. Even if you and your friends are just enjoying a quiet toast, the other patrons may be itching for a fight.

Let’s say your friend gets into an argument with another patron and a bar fight is imminent. Keep these tips in mind to avoid a fight:

  • Try to defuse the situation. Try calming down your friend and getting him/her away from the other patron.
  • Let the bouncer or a bar employee know what’s happening. They don’t want a fight any more than you do.
  • Try to leave the bar before anything happens. It may be time to call it a night.
  • If you can’t prevent the fight and it does break out, call 911 and find a safe location.

Remember, if you are injured in a bar fight, the first thing you should do is contact your experienced Jersey City lawyer. With our help, we can get you the compensation you deserve or help you with your legal troubles if someone is claiming you’re the one who started the fight.

Stay safe this weekend, everyone! And if you need legal assistance in 2016, remember to contact the Law Offices of Anthony Carbone for a free consultation.

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