Is your injury covered under workers’ compensation?

Posted November 6th, 2013 by .

Categories: Workers Compensation.

We recently discussed when your injury could be more than a workers’ compensation claim. But let’s say you do get hurt at work, yet it’s not that serious. How do you know if your injury is actually covered by workers’ compensation? If you have this question, here are a few things to keep in mind:

  • If the first aid supplies available at work can help your injury, then this is not a case for workers’ comp. Cuts, scrapes, bruises, even a headache at work are not severe enough to file a claim. For example, you cut your hand while opening a piece of mail. You are able to stop the bleeding with a bandage from the first aid kit. Then this is not a case of workers’ compensation.
  • If you are injured while commuting to work or out to lunch, you cannot file a claim. Since you are not actually on company time during this trip outside the office and therefore, you are not really working. However, if you are doing work outside the office, say doing computer work at a client’s house, and you are injured, then you can claim workers’ comp.
  • Conditions that have developed over time from repeated exposure to work, such as carpal tunnel syndrome or migraines caused by exposure to chemicals, can be claimed.
  • And conditions don’t have to be just physical. If you have a mental issue, such as too much stress which causes a breakdown or depression, and the cause is from your occupation, then it can be claimed.

The rule to remember: You can only claim workers’ compensation if the injury is severe and you are working for your company at the time of injury. Still confused? Then let us help you. Contact us today!

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