It’s Always Good to Brush Up on Your Safety Tips

Posted November 17th, 2015 by .

Categories: Personal Injury.

practical safety tips anthony carboneThe world is outraged at the recent terror attacks in Paris, as well as other parts of the universe.  Locally, we may never heal from the aftermaths of 9/11.   As a personal injury law firm, we are keenly aware of the pain that comes from disaster and devastation.  We would like to remind you of some practical safety tips that you should incorporate in your life.

Be Aware of Your Surroundings

It may seem like a no-brainer that you should be aware of your surroundings.  However, many have tripped and fallen because their eyes were glued to their cellphones instead of the sights in front of them.  It is not just about keeping your eyes on the walkway, but also on the highway if you happen to be driving a vehicle.  You may take note of suspicious activity if you are more attuned to your environment.

If you are in a building, make a note of the exits.  Again, this does not just help with concerns of acts of terrorism.  If a fire breaks out and your life is at risk, you need to find the nearest means of egress.  Make it a habit to look at hotel signs that provide a map with this information.  It may save your life.

Trust Your Gut Feeling

In some cases, you may feel that your gut feeling borders on paranoia.  In most, it is your inner self telling you that something is not right.  Avoid circumstances and places that give you a sense of uneasiness.  Of course, you should consider this as part of your regime.  More robberies and assaults occur in dimly lit and poorly policed locations.  Heed the warning feeling your intuition sends out to you.

Report Suspicious Activities

Whether your concerns are related to world terrorism or local threats, do not ignore suspicious activities.  Do not investigate them on your own; report them to the authorities.  Let them do the legwork.  They have the resources and knowledge to handle the situation.

Assess the Threat

If you are attacked or subject to anything that may harm you, quickly assess the threat.  Some of those who survived recent terrorist attacks did so because they hit the ground and played dead.  If feasible, make a quick run from the situation.  Make sure you understand the source of danger so you can do your best to survive it.

Contact Us

At the Law Offices of Anthony Carbone, we have a major focus on personal injury law.  If you have been injured, we would like to discuss the feasibility of pursuing a case on your behalf.  Please contact us to schedule an appointment.



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