New Jersey Law Requiring Dash Cams in Police Cars Rule Unconstitutional

Posted April 22nd, 2016 by .

Categories: Legal Topics.

dash cams legal question anthony carboneEarlier this week, the New Jersey Council on Local Mandates had ruled that a 2014 law that requires all police vehicles to carry dashboard cameras is ruled unconstitutional. The New Jersey law stated that all police vehicles were required to have dash cams in their vehicles, paid for by the municipalities. According to the New Jersey constitution, the state government from imposing “unfunded mandates” on local government. In other words, the cameras had placed stress on municipalities’ budgets, making many towns unable to afford the cameras.

Instead of dash cams, the law says officers could wear body cameras. Currently, 25 states and the District of Columbia will have police body camera laws.

Dash cameras have increased in popularity over the past few years with video footage of accidents showing up online. And although this law is prohibiting dash cams in police cars, there still no laws on the books for New jersey about the legality of the use of dash cams. As far as the law states, evidence collected from dash cams can be used in a lawsuit in the state, as long as the videos have not been edited in any way.

But remember, dash cams capture everything the driver is doing. For instance, if you were driving recklessly at the time of the accident, the camera’s footage can be used against you.

If you get into an auto accident with dash camera footage, let us help you with the insurance company. Contact the Law Offices of Anthony Carbone now for a free consultation.

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