New Jersey Takes the Sting Out of Dog Bites

Posted June 19th, 2014 by .

Categories: Personal Injury.

dog-bites-attorney-anthony-carboneDogs, like most animals, are unpredictable.  They can wag their tail in appreciation one moment.  In the next, they can lash out and cause serious physical harm.  Although some breeds are considered more dangerous, even the most docile canines are capable of sinking their teeth into human flesh.  There is significant pain associated with a dog bite, as well as the potential for permanent scarring.  In addition, many victims of animal bites also suffer severe psychological damages as a result of their encounter.

New Jersey laws are very specific when it comes to addressing injuries caused by a dog bite.  In order to pursue a case, it is first important to establish the canine’s owner.  Obviously, this may be nearly impossible if one is attacked by a pack of wild dogs running in the Journal Square area.  It seems doubtful that such animals will be properly identified with licenses and tags.  Without positive identification of the dog’s owner, the victim will be unable to pursue a claim.

Of course, there must also be proof that the dog has bitten the victim.  This would be a good time to take photographs of both the wound and the animal that caused it.  You will also want to take pictures of the bite as it heals.  It is important to seek medical attention immediately.

The last element of a dog bite case has to do with the location of the incident.  If the attack occurs on or in a public place, there is a cause of action.  For example, if a service dog suddenly acts out of character in the Newport Mall, the claim would fall within the dog bite statute.  Similarly, if you have permission to visit someone’s home or other private place, their canine’s bad behavior would be covered under this law.  Those who enter another’s premises with criminal intent will not receive compensation for their dog bite injuries.

Although the law is clear concerning animal bites, an owner may claim that the victim taunted the dog into bad behavior.  Some may even assert a defense stating that the wounded party should be assessed some responsibility in the situation.

In order to evaluate a dog bite claim, it is extremely important to consult with an attorney skilled in personal injury cases.  For more than 25 years, the Law Offices of Anthony Carbone, PC have handle all types of personal injury cases, including dog bites.  Contact us today to set up a free consultation at your convenience.

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