Number of fatalities in elderly slip and fall cases on the rise

Posted November 3rd, 2014 by .

Categories: Personal Injury, Slip and Falls.

senior-slip-and-fall-new-jerseyThe older we get, the more it seems our bodies fail us. We feel aches and pains that we never had before. Our bones become brittle. Eyesight and hearing is not as sharp as it once was. Even our brains slowly disintegrate. And unlike when we were younger and a fall would cause a bruise, a simple slip and fall for someone over 65 can be a deadly accident.

The number of senior citizens who have serious or fatal injuries after falling has skyrocketing. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has stated that the number of people over the age of 65 who died after a slip and fall accident in 2012 was 24,000 — a number that had doubled in the last 10 years. It is the leading cause of injury-related fatalities in the 65 and older age group.

In an attempt to prevent slip and fall accidents, nursing home administrators have been attempting to make their facilities safer. But according to a recent New York Times article, residents feel their independence is being taken away or they refuse to admit how old age is making their bodies weaker. Can there be a compromise somewhere?

According to the CDC, there are ways seniors can protect themselves from slip and fall accidents. Some tips include:

  • Getting more exercise to improve balance and strength
  • Getting your eyes checked more frequently
  • Installing handrails and lights on all your staircases
  • Install grab bars and use non-slip mats in the bathroom
  • And eliminate any hazards there may be, such as clutter or poor lighting

If you had been injured as a result of fall and it was caused by someone else’s negligence, we can help. The Law Offices of Anthony Carbone has been handling slip and fall cases for 26 years. Contact us today for a free consultation.

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