Be Safe This Memorial Day Weekend in Jersey City, NJ

Posted May 27th, 2016 by .

Categories: Auto Accidents.

memorial day weekend anthony carboneEvery year we give the same message — stay safe if you’re hitting the roads this Memorial Day weekend. And each year, that message is necessary. Did you know that Memorial Day weekend is one of the most busiest and dangerous weekends to be traveling? It’s true — according to AAA, more than 38 million people are expected to be on the road sometime this weekend. It’s expected to be the second-highest Memorial Day travel volume on record, the most since 2005. Kinda makes you want to cancel your plans, doesn’t it?

Well you shouldn’t because this weekend, and the temperatures we’re expected to reach, is the unofficial start of summer. So go out there and have some fun! But do it safely.

If you are traveling this weekend, here’s a few tips from the NHSTA to keep you safe while on the road:

  • Avoid distracted driving at all costs and stay alert. If you’re driving a distance, don’t forget to stop every now and then for a stretch so you don’t get drowsy.
  • Remember to share the road with motorcyclists. They’re going to be out in full force this weekend.
  • Be mindful of pedestrians. Distracted walking (walking while on your phone) is become a major problem, especially in New Jersey. So watch out for pedestrians who may not be paying attention.
  • Before heading out, make sure your car ready for action. When was the last time you changed that oil, huh?
  • Pack an emergency roadside kit such as a cell phone charger, first aid kit, and a jack
  • And of course, buckle up. It’s the law.

The Law Offices of Anthony Carbone wishes everyone a very safe Memorial Day weekend. And if you do get into an accident, you know who to turn to. Contact us today for a free consultation.


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