How to Choose the Best Lawyer

Posted March 20th, 2020 by .

Categories: Attorney Anthony Carbone.

Bayonne Car Accident Lawyer | The Law Offices of Anthony Carbone

Finding the right attorney to meet your legal needs is intimidating; but, as with any consumer transaction, doing your research is key. It’s important to remember that the lawyer is offering a service to you, so you should evaluate the services offered in much the same way you’d evaluate any other type of service you’re […]

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Could You Have a Case Against an E-cigarette Maker?

Posted September 17th, 2019 by .

Categories: Personal Injury.

could you have a case against an e-cigarette maker? | law offices of anthony carbone

In a sense, JUUL is to e-cigarettes what Kleenex is to tissues. About everybody uses the brand names interchangeably. That said, JUUL says it’s unlike any e-cigarette or vape out on the marketplace. In the meantime, its marketing claims may be part of the reason you could have a case against this e-cigarette maker. According […]

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Hoboken’s Introduction of E-Scooters Raises Safety Concerns

Posted September 10th, 2019 by .

Categories: E-scooter, Legal Topics.

case for carbone: what happens when you're hurt on an e-scooter? | law offices of anthony carbone

Hoboken appears to be the first New Jersey municipality to give e-scooters a trial run. In a city with significant traffic and parking concerns, motorized scooters sound like a perfect mode of transportation. But, are they safe? Hudson County Attorney Anthony Carbone has already investigated the issue. “From what I understand, Nashville just banned e-scooters […]

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