A Safe Thanksgiving is a Happy Thanksgiving

Posted November 23rd, 2016 by .

Categories: Personal Injury.

Happy Thanksgiving law offices of anthony carboneHappy Thanksgiving, everyone! It’s officially the start of the holiday season and as we do every year, the Law Offices of Anthony Carbone wants to make sure that everyone has a happy yet safe holiday weekend. For instance, did you know that this Thanksgiving, we will hit a 9-year high for traveling? According to AAA, 48.7 million travelers are expected to travel at least 50 miles this holiday, which is a 2 percent increase over last year. And out of all those travelers, 89 percent will be driving to their destination. You know what that means…the risk for car accidents will be at an all time high.

According to the navigation phone app Waze, which allows users to report traffic problems, on the day before Thanksgiving in 2015 its users has reported 33 percent more traffic accidents, 26 percent more traffic hazards, and 20 percent more traffic jams compared with the average over the four weeks prior. Not only was that Wednesday problematic, but the Sunday after Thanksgiving also reported a record number of accidents as people headed home.

We just want everyone to be safe this holiday season and that means stay safe on the roadway. Although fighting traffic congestion and avoiding other drivers on the road is frustrating, keeping these five tips in mind will have you arriving to Grandma’s house without any problems:

  1. Avoid the Ds: As we’ve mentioned in a previous blog, fatal accidents have sharply risen over the past couple of years. And the causes of these accidents can be attributed to the three Ds — drunk, distracted, and drowsy. So stay sober, put down the phone, and keep alert.
  2. Don’t Get Mad: With all this traffic problems, chances are tempers are going to flare up. This can cause aggressive and reckless driving. Instead of giving in to road rage, take a deep breath, collect yourself, and continue driving as normal.
  3. Stay Alert: You may be a safe driver, but not everyone is. That means a lot of people doing a lot of dangerous things on a crowded highway. So you need to stay alert and drive defensively.
  4. Plan Ahead: It’s best to have an action plan before heading out. If your family is expecting you for dinner at a certain time, make sure you take into account traffic and other issues that could slow down your trip.
  5. Safety First: Just like you should plan for your trip ahead of time, it’s best to make sure your car is ready for the road. Make sure everything is in working order. That way, it’s less likely that you’ll break down.

We hope everyone has a safe holiday weekend! If you need legal help at any time, let us know. Contact the Law Offices of Anthony Carbone for a free consultation.


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