Ways to Make Visitation Go Smoothly

Posted February 21st, 2014 by .

Categories: Family Law.

You and your spouse had finally agreed to get a divorce. The process goes smoothly with little trouble. The only sticking point is custody of your child. Although you both agree on joint custody, your child is have an extremely difficult time with the divorce. Now he not only has to live with only one parent, but he will be shuttle between you and your spouse every week. How can you make this process go smooth?

As we all know, the children are the ones who are the most affected by divorce.  According to Scientific American, the more tumultuous the marriage and divorce is, the greater the effect it will have on your children. So you want to make sure the whole process goes as smoothly as possible. Here are some do’s and don’ts you should follow, from the Sixth Judicial Circuit of Florida:

  • Do – Be as flexible as you can. Don’t have rigid schedule where your ex can only visit on a Tuesday. Work out a schedule that both of you can agree upon.
  • Don’t – Stop communicating with your ex. Just because you’re divorced doesn’t mean you shouldn’t talk to each other ever again.
  • Do – Make visitation just a normal, everyday part of your life. The more regular it is, the more likely your child will adapt.
  • Don’t – Try to change the relationship your child has with your ex. The last thing you would want is your child choosing sides and alienating one or both of his parents.
  • Do – Discuss discipline and any rules with your ex so the child has some consistency.
  • Don’t -Make your child pick sides. If he wants to see your ex on your day to have him, don’t make him feel guilty.

Going through a divorce? Let us help you! Contact the Offices of Anthony Carbone, PC today. And remember, download our free ebook “Dads in Divorce: A Father’s Guide to the Rights and Realities of Divorce.”

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