Tuesdays With Tony: When Tony Met Raymond

Posted November 19th, 2013 by .

Categories: Attorney Anthony Carbone.

When you visit Anthony Carbone’s office, you may have seen this young man. He’s usually in the office, running small errands, helping wherever he can, always happy. His name is Raymond and to Tony, he’s like a son. Here’s his story.

Back in 1996, Tony had moved his office into Jersey City, right across the street from a rooming house. The house was not a safe place to live — it was filled with ex-cons, except for Raymond. One day, while Tony was walking into the office, he saw Raymond arguing with someone. Nosy as ever, Tony walked over to see if he could assist the men. Raymond was not only arguing, but he had a knife in his hand.

Fortunately, Tony was able to disarm Raymond and convince the man not to harm Raymond. He then heard Raymond’s story: After Raymond’s mother died, his father had left Raymond to live his own in this rooming house. Even though his father works only two blocks from where Raymond lives, his father only visits him twice a year, on his birthday and around Christmas.

After the events of the day and hearing Raymond’s story, Tony knew he had to take of Raymond. And he has ever since. “Over the years I have bought him clothes. Took him to Yankee games. Bought him Mickey Mantle jersey. Feed him everyday. Got him medical treatment. Had knee surgery done. Fought with Social Security, fought with food stamps and disability. Paid to launder his clothes. Bought him TV and a cell phone and Xbox. When he got arrested, I had the case dismissed. I mediated every dispute he had with local shopkeepers, or the girls at the bank, or the girls in the office buildings.”

Turns out Raymond’s quite the ladies man. He loves a pretty face. He’s also loves the movies and knows every celebrity out there. For the last 15 years, Raymond has been apart of the Anthony Carbone team. He runs small errands for the office. Tony remembers the time he went to get him cigars: “Recently I sent him to midtown Manhattan to get cigars. The name of the cigar store is Davidoff. I was concerned that he was going to get lost. However, he wanted to prove himself. So off he goes on the subway to 33rd Street, then another subway to 51st. After an hour, my cell phone rings. It is Raymond and he is lost and panicking. I ask him to give me the name of the intersection where he is located. ’51 and Madison,’ he says. I tell him that he is correct, the store is right on the corner. He is still panicking because he does not see the store. So I ask him what is the name of the store that you are in front of. He replies David Off. I told him it is not David Off it is Davidoff and he is at the correct location.”

So the next time you’re the office and you say Raymond, take a moment to say hello to him. He loves meeting people.

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